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SCORE Overall 1450
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Scopus Web Of Science Garuda Google Scholar IPRs Books

Showing 161-168 of 168 items.
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#JudulJenis JurnalKategoriTahunJumlah Citasi
161APLIKASI JAMUR PATOGEN GULMA PADA TANAMAN BUDIDAYAAGRIBIOS 20 (1), 1-12, 2022 Authors: KFR Dewi, L Soesanto, E Mugiastuti, A Manan20221
162Aplikasi formula cair Pseudomonas fluorescens P60 untuk menekan penyakit virus cabai merahJurnal Fitopatologi Indonesia 9 (6), 179-179, 2013 Authors: L Soesanto, E Mugiastuti, RF Rahayuniati201310
163Aplikasi Bacillus sp. untuk mengendalikan penyakit layu fusarium pada tanaman tomatJurnal Agro 6 (2), 144-152, 2019 Authors: E Mugiastuti, A Manan, RF Rahayuniati, L Soesanto20196
164Aplication of Trichoderma harzianum T10 Secondary Metabolites in Effervescent Tablets Formula towards Cucumber Damping-offJurnal Fitopatologi Indonesia 18 (4), 177-186, 2022 Authors: SF Ismi, L Soesanto, E Mugiastuti20220
165ANALYSIS OF THE INFLUENCE OF HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM WITH STRUCTURAL EQUATION MODELING APPROACH (Case Study of Regional Hospital RAA Soewondo Pati)Proceeding of The International Conference on Business and Economics 1 (1 …, 2023 Authors: MWR Sastyawan, L Soesanto, B Purwanggono, A Bakhtiar20230
166A. Manan, E. Iriani, and J. Pramono. 2005. Potency of biological and botanical agents in controlling ginger dry rotJurnal Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan Tropika 5 (1), 50-57, 0 Authors: L Soesanto, P Soedharmono00007
167Ability test of several antagonists to control potato bacterial wilt in the fieldAGRIVITA, Journal of Agricultural Science 35 (1), 30-35, 2013 Authors: L Soesanto, A Manan, M Wachjadi, E Mugiastuti20139
168Ability of Bacillus sp., Pseudomonas fluorescens, and Trichoderma sp. to control tomato bacterial wilt disease.Jurnal Fitopatologi Indonesia (JFI) 14 (2), 63-68, 2018 Authors: A Manan, E Mugiastuti, L Soesanto20180