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SCORE Overall 1794
SCORE Overall 3 Years 951
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Affil Score 3 Years
Scopus Web Of Science Garuda Google Scholar IPRs Books

Showing 141-151 of 151 items.
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#JudulJenis JurnalKategoriTahunJumlah Citasi
141The Formulation and The Physicochemical and Sensory Characterization of Analoque Meatball Based on Oyster Mushroom with The Addition of Euchema Cotonii and Cassava Starch …Authors: SD Astuti, R Naufalin00001
142Formulation and Characterization of Functional Biscuit Consisting of Canna Edulis, Kerr Resistant Starch Type III, Granulated Palm Sugar, and Soy Protein ConcentratePurwokerto: General Soedirman University, 2011 Authors: SD Astuti, R Naufalin20112
143Formulation and Characterization of Functional Biscuit Consisting of Canna Edulis, Kerr Resistant Starch Type III, Granulated Palm Sugar, and Soy Protein Concentr...Oral Paper in International Food Conference 2011 Proceeding, Widya Mandala …Authors: SD Astuti, R Naufalin20111
144The Formulation and The Physicochemical and Sensory Characterization of Analoque Meatball Based on Oyster Mushroom with The Addition of Euchema Cotonii and Cassava Starch Formulasi dan Karakterisasi Sifat Fisikokimia dan Sensori Bakso Jamur Tiram PutAuthors: SD Astuti, R Naufalin00000
145The Formulation and The Physicochemical and Sensory Characterization of Analoque Meatball Based on Oyster Mushroom with The Addition of Euchema Cotonii a...Authors: SD Astuti, R Naufalin00000
146Effect of Tempe Yeast Concentration and Fermentation Time on the Functional Charaktersitics of Fermented Peanut FlourIndonesian Journal of Food Technology 1 (2), 15-30, 2022 Authors: S Martina, E Erminawati, R Naufalin20220
147Antioxidant Activity and Total Phenol Extract of Kecombrang Flower, Stem and Leaves with Different Types of SolutionsMolekul 16 (2), 110-116, 2021 Authors: S Nuryanti, N Latifasari, R Naufalin, R Wicaksono, E Erminawati20211
149Aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak bunga Kecombrang terhadap bakteri patogen dan perusak panganJurnal Teknotan dan Industri Pangan 16 (2), 119-125, 2005 Authors: SR Naufalin R, BSR Jenie, Kusnandar F, Sudarwanto M, Herastuti200555
150The Effect Of Antioxidants Addition On The Characteristics Of Palm Oil Base Food Grade GreaseJurnal Teknologi Pertanian 14 (1), 2013 Authors: T Yanto, R Naufalin20130
151Analisis Minat Pelaku Usaha General Trade Terhadap Penggunaan Aplikasi Belanja Online B2B (Studi Dengan Pendekatan Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology)Performance: Jurnal Personalia, Financial, Operasional, Marketing dan Sistem …, 2022 Authors: W Novandari, DS Gunawan, IR Bawono, R Naufalin, S Maryani, J Jajang20220