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Scopus Web Of Science Garuda Google Scholar IPRs Books

Showing 41-60 of 151 items.
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#JudulJenis JurnalKategoriTahunJumlah Citasi
41Edible coating application with addition of kecombrang flower concentrates to maintain quality fillets of gurami fish during storageAIP Conference Proceedings 2094 (1), 020031, 2019 Authors: R Naufalin, R Wicaksono, E Triyulianingrum20193
42Efektivitas Ekstrak Etanol Kecombrang (Etlingera Elatior) Terhadap Degradasi Biofilm Bakteri Periodontopatogen Aggregatibacter ActinomycetemcomitansSNHRP, 189-195, 2022 Authors: M Ichsyani, AHB Widodo, R Naufalin, AT Dewi, A Rimawati, DA Putri, ...20220
43Effect of Addition Kecombrang Powder on Chemical and Microbial Properties of Tempe Sausage During StorageInternational Conference Food Innovation: AEC Challenges, to be held on …, 2016 Authors: H Rifda Naufalin20160
44Effect of Concentration of Ca (Oh) 2, Type Ingredients Natural Preservatives on the Quality and Old Save Nira KelapaPembangunan Pedesaan 1 (1), 2018 Authors: R Naufalin, T Yanto20180
45Effect of fermentation temperature and culture concentration on microbial and physicochemical properties of cow and goat milk yogurtIOP conference series: Earth and Environmental Science 406 (1), 012009, 2019 Authors: IA Ibrahim, R Naufalin, H Dwiyanti20199
46Effect of Tempe Yeast Concentration and Fermentation Time on the Functional Charaktersitics of Fermented Peanut FlourIndonesian Journal of Food Technology 1 (2), 15-30, 2022 Authors: S Martina, E Erminawati, R Naufalin20220
47Effects of blanching process and stabilizer addition on physicochemical and organoleptic properties of carrot velvaAIP Conference Proceedings 2493 (1), 040012, 2022 Authors: D Muzdalifah, R Naufalin, H Dwiyanti20220
48Effects of pH, Nacl and Heating on the Antibacterial Stability of KecombrangJurnal Teknologi Industri Pangan 17 (3), -, 2006 Authors: R Naufalin, BSL Jenie, F Kusnandar, M Sudarwanto, HS Rukmini20060
49Effects of pH, Nacl and Teating on the Antibacterial Stability of KecombrangJurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan 17 (3), 196-196, 2006 Authors: R Naufalin, BSL Jenie, F Kusnandar, M Sudarwanto, HS Rukmini20060
50Effects of pH, Nacl and Teating on the Antibacterial Stability of Kecombrang Vol 17, No 3, 2006Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), 0 Authors: R Naufalin, BSL Jenie, F Kusnandar, M Sudarwanto, HS Rukmini00000
51Effects of pH, NaCl and Treating on the Antibacterial Stability of Kecombrang (Nicolaia speciosa Horan) Flower Extracts and Its Application in Minced MeatJurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan 17 (3), 197-203, 2006 Authors: R Naufalin, BSL Jenie, F Kusnandar, M Sudarwanto, HS Rukmini20066
53Encapsulation of Natural Antimicrobial Extraction From Kecombrang Flower (Nicolaia speciosa) Using Maltodextrin-Gelatin as Filler Ingredient2nd International Food Safety Conference (IFSAC2013). Malaysia, 2-3, 2013 Authors: R Naufalin, SR Herastuti, R Wicaksono20137
54Ensiklopedia Produk Pangan Indonesia (Chapter)Authors: R Naufalin20170
55Erminawati. 2009Formulasi dan produksi pengawet alami dari kecombrang (Nicolaia speciosa Horan), 0 Authors: R Naufalin, HS Rukmini, T Yanto00007
56Erminawati. 2010Potensi Bunga Kecombrang Sebagai Pengawet Alami Pada Tahu dan Ikan. Artikel …Authors: R Naufalin, SR Herastuti20106
57Formulasi tiwul instan tinggi protein dari tepung ubi kayu yang disubstitusi tepung koro pedang dan susu skimJurnal Aplikasi Teknologi Pangan 7 (1), 2018 Authors: FC Agustia, HS Rukmini, R Naufalin20189
58Formulasi tiwul instan tinggi protein melalui penambahan lembaga serealia dan konsentrat protein kedelaiJurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian 25 (3), 2015 Authors: HS Rukmini, R Naufalin201515
59Formulation and Characterization of Functional Biscuit Consisting of Canna Edulis, Kerr Resistant Starch Type III, Granulated Palm Sugar, and Soy Protein Concentr...Oral Paper in International Food Conference 2011 Proceeding, Widya Mandala …Authors: SD Astuti, R Naufalin20111
60Formulation and Characterization of Functional Biscuit Consisting of Canna Edulis, Kerr Resistant Starch Type III, Granulated Palm Sugar, and Soy Protein ConcentratePurwokerto: General Soedirman University, 2011 Authors: SD Astuti, R Naufalin20112