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Scopus Web Of Science Garuda Google Scholar IPRs Books

Showing 21-40 of 62 items.
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#JudulJenis JurnalKategoriTahunJumlah Citasi
21Rockport walking fitness test apps: application of cardiorespiration fitness test with rockport method android basedMEDIKORA 20 (1), 23-35, 2021 Authors: MS Antoni, G Guntur, R Festiawan, AI Nugraha, FI Nurhadi20217
22Identification of Non-Locomotor Basic Motion in Primary School StudentsAnnals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 24, 243-50, 2021 Authors: A Asnaldi, H Syampurma, R Sepriani, R Irawan, DR Budi, R Festiawan, ...20210
23Small-sided games: alternative exercise to improve cognitive performance of youth futsal playersJurnal SPORTIF: Jurnal Penelitian Pembelajaran 7 (1), 37-50, 2021 Authors: MF Khurrohman, ASD Marhaendro, R Festiawan, R Hidayat20216
24Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani dan OlahragaAuthors: YN Hanief, DW Kardiyanto, ME Winarno, A Haqiyah20210
25Dimensions in The Learning Implementation and Strategies of Adapted Physical Education for Children with Special Needs during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Literature Review …Sport Science 15 (1), 2021 Authors: E Burhaein, B Tarigan, D Budiana, Y Hendrayana, DTP Phytanza, ...202119
26EFFECTS OF RESISTANCE BAND EXERCISE ON STUDENT’S FREESTYLE SWIMMING SKILLSSport Science 15 (1), 2021 Authors: M Ilham, D Iqroni, M Karakauki, SKS Ali, A Kristiyanto, A Nasrulloh, ...20213
27The Effectiveness of the Development of Rhythmic Activity Model of the Barongan Dance Modification for Physical Education Learning In Primary SchoolAuthors: Y Febrianta, FX Pamuji Sukoco, R Festiawan20213
28Outdoor Education: Influence on self-confidence, personal and social responsibilityAnnals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 24, 243-52, 2021 Authors: AD Listiandi, RS Bakhri, DR Budi, R Festiawan, AR Febriani, IJ Kusuma, ...20211
29Belajar Dan Pendekatan PembelajaranAuthors: R Festiawan202046
30Latihan Mental Dalam OlahragaUniversitas Jenderal Soedirman. Festiawan, 2020 Authors: R Festiawan20203
31Kaitan Studi Gerak Manusia, Kesehatan, Aktivitas Fisik dan Pembelajaran MotorikUniversitas Jenderal Soedirman, 2020 Authors: R Festiawan20201
32Pengembangan “Buku Saku Pintar Gizi” Untuk Siswa SMP: Alternatif Media Pembelajaran untuk Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Gizi OlahragaPhysical Activity Journal (PAJU) 1 (2), 188-201, 2020 Authors: R Festiawan, NI Arovah202029
33Implementation of Higher Order Thinking Skills In Physical Education Learning In Covid-19 Era: Is It Work?COMPETITOR: Jurnal Pendidikan Kepelatihan Olahraga 13 (2), 139-153, 2020 Authors: R Festiawan, MF Khurrohman20202
34Hubungan Body Fat Dan Physique Rating Dengan Cardiorespiratory Fitness MahasiswaJurnal MensSana 5 (1), 78-86, 2020 Authors: AD Listiandi, DR Budi, R Festiawan, R Nugraha, RS Bakhri20209
35Bola Voli: Bagaimanakah Kondisi Indeks Massa Tubuh Atlet?Sporta Saintika 5 (2), 95-106, 2020 Authors: K Kusnandar, DR Budi, AD Listiandi, R Festiawan, PJ Nurcahyo, M Syafei, ...202010
36Evaluasi penerapan pendekatan saintifik pada pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani materi teknik dasar passing sepak bolaJurnal pendidikan jasmani Indonesia 16 (1), 41-54, 2020 Authors: PN Wicaksono, IJ Kusuma, R Festiawan, N Widanita, D Anggraeni202046
37Hubungan Status Gizi dan Asupan Energi Dengan Tingkat Kebugaran JasmaniJURNAL ILMU KEOLAHRAGAAN 19 (1), 76-83, 2020 Authors: KAM Yusuf, PJ Nurcahyo, R Festiawan20204
38Hubungan tinggi badan, panjang lengan dan daya tahan otot lengan dengan keterampilan bermain bulutangkisJurnal Pendidikan Olah Raga 9 (1), 93-108, 2020 Authors: SH Saputra, IJ Kusuma, R Festiawan202014
39Disrupsi Strategi Pembelajaran Olahraga Serta Tantangan Dalam Menghadapi New Normal Selama Masa Pandemi Covid - 19Authors: ME Winarno, A Wijayanto, AW Kurniawan, BN Putro, R Festiawan20200
40Barrier Jump Training to Leg Muscle Explosive PowerACTIVE: Journal of Physical Education, Sport, Health and Recreation 9 (3 …, 2020 Authors: PKR Tirtayasa, IGPNA Santika, M Subekti, IPG Adiatmika, R Festiawan202042