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SCORE Overall 785
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Affil Score 725
Affil Score 3 Years 459
Scopus Web Of Science Garuda Google Scholar IPRs Books

Showing 21-40 of 124 items.
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#JudulJenis JurnalKategoriTahunJumlah Citasi
21Public sector performance measurement and budget allocation: An Indonesian experiment6th New Zealand Management Accounting Conference, 2012 Authors: B Rangga Bawono, I., Halim, A. and Lord20120
22THE FACTORS INFLUENCE TAXPAYER'S INTENTIONS TO DO THEIR OBLIGATIONACCRUALS (Accounting Research Journal of Sutaatmadja) 4 (02), 135-148, 2020 Authors: IR Bawono, R Mustofa, MD Indanto20200
23Work motivation effect on state civil apparatus performance during WFH with discipline variableAKRUAL: Jurnal Akuntansi 11 (2), 110-121, 2020 Authors: IR Bawono, E Setyadi, SA Hamid20208
24The Effect of Competency, Accounting Information System, and Internal Control on Financial Reporting Information QualityAKRUAL: Jurnal Akuntansi 12 (2)Authors: IR Bawono, A Suroso, GP Yuniarso20210
25Audit Sistem Informasi Menggunakan Active Data For ExcelAndi Offset 1, 168, 2011 Authors: IRB Yanuar ER20110
26The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility Performance on the Readability of CSR Using Firm Size, Bussiness Complexity, Leverage, Growth, and CEO’S Characteristics as …Annual International Conference on Accounting Research (AICAR 2019), 33-35, 2020 Authors: IR Bawono, D Supriati, LEA Hasugian20202
27Perpajakan: KonsepAplikasi, Contoh dan Studi Kasus, Salemba Empat, Jakarta, 2014 Authors: A Halim, IR Bawono, A Dara201412
28FACTORS AFFECTING THE FINANCIAL AND NON-FINANCIAL RATIOS ON GOING-CONCERN AUDIT OPINIONAssets: Jurnal Akuntansi dan Pendidikan 10 (2), 87-100, 2021 Authors: IR Bawono, A Kanivia, O Rusmana20210
29Pengaruh independensi, pengalaman, due professional care dan akuntabilitas terhadap kualitas audit (studi pada auditor di KAP “big four” di indonesia),”Big Four” di Indonesia)”. Simposium Nasional Akuntansi XII. PurwokertoAuthors: ES Muliani, IR Bawono201011
30Faktor-Faktor Dalam Diri Auditor dan Kualitas Audit: Studi pada KAP, Big Four” di IndonesiaDalam Simposium Nasional Akuntansi XIII PurwokertoAuthors: EM Singgih, IR Bawono200911
31Faktor-Faktor Dalam Diri Auditor dan Kualitas Audit: Studi pada KAP „Big Four‟ di IndonesiaDalam Simposium Nasional Akuntansi XIII PurwokertoAuthors: EM Singgih, IR Bawono200917
32Faktor-Faktor Dalam Diri Auditor dan Kualitas Audit: Studi pada KAP “Big Four‟ di IndonesiaDalam Simposium Nasional Akuntansi XIII PurwokertoAuthors: EM Singgih, IR Bawono20099
33Manajemen Stratejik Sektor Publik: Langkah Tepat Menuju Good GovernanceDosen Fakultas Ekonomi UNSOED PurwokertoAuthors: IR Bawono200712
34Manajemen Strategik Sektor Publik: Langkah Tepat Menuju Good GovernanceDosen Fakultas Ekonomi UNSOED PurwokwertoAuthors: IR Bawono200717
35Determinants of Local Investment: Case Study in Provinces in IndonesiaEconomic Journal of Emerging Markets, 2008 Authors: J Sodik, D Nuryadin20083
36Ketimpangan Distribusi Pendapatan di Kabupaten Banyumas Jawa TengahEconomic Journal of Emerging Markets, 2008 Authors: P Hariadi, A Arintoko, IR Bawono20085
37An Inequality Income Distribution in Kabupaten Banyumas Central JavaEconomic Journal of Emerging Markets, 2008 Authors: P Hariadi, A Arintoko, IR Bawono20080
38The Effect of Government Expenditure on Economic Growth in IndonesiaEkuilibrium: Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Ilmu Ekonomi 16 (1), 24-38, 2021 Authors: LC Maulid, IR Bawono, YA Sudibyo20212
39The Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on The Performance of MSME Innovations Under the Guidance of PT. Indocement. Tbk Cirebon during the Covid-19 PandemicEnrichment: Journal of Management 12 (4), 3085-3088, 2022 Authors: A Ali, IR Bawono20220
40Panduan penggunaan dan pengelolaan dana desaGramedia Widiasarana Indonesia, 2019 Authors: IR Bawono201957