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Fact Scopusartikel
#Employee IDNipNamaSinta IDDepartment IDDepartment NameJudulJenis JurnalPenulis KeDariKategoriTahunJumlah Citasi
1281413195904201985031002IMAM WIDHIONO M.Z.599873333FAKULTAS BIOLOGIAnt (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) diversity as bioindicator of agroecosystem health in northern slope of mount slamet, central java, IndonesiaQ4 Journal16Biodiversitas20176
1282413195904201985031002IMAM WIDHIONO M.Z.599873333FAKULTAS BIOLOGIShort communication: Endemics species of dung beetles (coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) on the southern slope of Mount Slamet, Central Java, IndonesiaQ4 Journal13Biodiversitas20172
1283413195904201985031002IMAM WIDHIONO M.Z.599873333FAKULTAS BIOLOGIPreliminary test of agri-environmental scheme implementation in farmland in northern slope of Mount SlametQ4 Journal12Agrivita20170
1284413195904201985031002IMAM WIDHIONO M.Z.599873333FAKULTAS BIOLOGIInsect pollinator diversity along a habitat quality gradient on Mount Slamet, Central Java, IndonesiaQ4 Journal13Biodiversitas20165
1285413195904201985031002IMAM WIDHIONO M.Z.599873333FAKULTAS BIOLOGIDiversity of butterflies in four different forest types in Mount Slamet, Central Java, IndonesiaQ4 Journal11Biodiversitas201520
128682195310281979031002INDARMAWAN602659133FAKULTAS BIOLOGIImpact of fed containing different levels of diets supplementation spirulina platensis on growth, haematological, body composition and biochemical parameters, of gurami (Osphronemus gouramy)Q3 Journal23Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences20189
128782195310281979031002INDARMAWAN602659133FAKULTAS BIOLOGIIchtyofauna at Cijalu River, Cilacap regency central Java Province, IndonesiaQ3 Journal44Biotropia20162
12881085197106031997022001JUNI SAFITRI MULJOWATI602413033FAKULTAS BIOLOGIShort communication: Histopathology of red chilli fruit (Capsicum Annuum) infected with Colletotrichum Acutatum of Java, Indonesia isolatesQ3 Journal13Biodiversitas20210
12891085197106031997022001JUNI SAFITRI MULJOWATI602413033FAKULTAS BIOLOGIGenetic diversity of pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.) p. kumm. strains in java based on random amplified polymorphic DNA markersQ3 Journal05Biodiversitas20210
12901085197106031997022001JUNI SAFITRI MULJOWATI602413033FAKULTAS BIOLOGIPhytochemical diversity and antimicrobial properties of methanol extract of several cultivars of catharanthus roseus using GC-MSQ3 Journal55Biodiversitas20202
1291360195606071984031004KUSBIYANTO602346033FAKULTAS BIOLOGISpecies diversity and conservation status of marine ornamental fish traded at three market spots in the southern coast of West JavaQ4 Journal33IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20210
1292360195606071984031004KUSBIYANTO602346033FAKULTAS BIOLOGIDna barcoding of crustacean larvae in segara anakan, cilacap, central java, indonesia using cytochrome c oxidase geneQ3 Journal13Biodiversitas20203
1293360195606071984031004KUSBIYANTO602346033FAKULTAS BIOLOGIOrnamental marine fish from the southern coast of Cilacap Central JavaQ4 Journal33IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20200
1294360195606071984031004KUSBIYANTO602346033FAKULTAS BIOLOGIEvaluation of conservation and trade status of marine ornamental fish harvested from Pangandaran Coastal Waters, West Java, IndonesiaQ3 Journal33Biodiversitas20200
1295360195606071984031004KUSBIYANTO602346033FAKULTAS BIOLOGISpecies richness and longitudinal distribution of crustaceans in the Logawa river, Banyumas, IndonesiaQ3 Journal23Biodiversitas20200
1296360195606071984031004KUSBIYANTO602346033FAKULTAS BIOLOGIDiversity and longitudinal distribution of freshwater fish in Klawing River, Central Java, IndonesiaQ4 Journal44Biodiversitas20177
1297714196303071987031002MOH. HUSEIN SASTRANEGARA602810733FAKULTAS BIOLOGIDistribution and accumulation of heavy metals from waters and sediments to Scylla serrata in Segara Anakan, CilacapQ4 Journal15IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20210
1298714196303071987031002MOH. HUSEIN SASTRANEGARA602810733FAKULTAS BIOLOGIDistribution pattern of gastropods and physical chemical factors in the kebumen mangrove forest, indonesiaQ3 Journal46AACL Bioflux20210
1299714196303071987031002MOH. HUSEIN SASTRANEGARA602810733FAKULTAS BIOLOGISpecies richness and longitudinal distribution of crustaceans in the Logawa river, Banyumas, IndonesiaQ3 Journal13Biodiversitas20200
1300714196303071987031002MOH. HUSEIN SASTRANEGARA602810733FAKULTAS BIOLOGIShort communication: The lifecycle of neocaridina denticulata and N. Palmata in aquariumsQ3 Journal23Biodiversitas20200