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Fact Scopusartikel
#Employee IDNipNamaSinta IDDepartment IDDepartment NameJudulJenis JurnalPenulis KeDariKategoriTahunJumlah Citasi
28011736198203102008012013SIWI PRAMATAMA MARS WIJAYANTI5976278277FAKULTAS ILMU-ILMU KESEHATANInsecticide resistance of Aedes aegypti to Deltamethrin and its genetic variability in Jambi ProvinceQ4 Journal45AIP Conference Proceedings20210
28021736198203102008012013SIWI PRAMATAMA MARS WIJAYANTI5976278277FAKULTAS ILMU-ILMU KESEHATANAdverse reactions following mass drug administration with diethylcarbamazine and albendazole for lymphatic filariasis elimination in West Sumatera, IndonesiaQ4 Journal56Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health20210
28031736198203102008012013SIWI PRAMATAMA MARS WIJAYANTI5976278277FAKULTAS ILMU-ILMU KESEHATANPhysical Functioning Among Community-Dwelling Elderly in Rural IndonesiaQ3 Journal25International Quarterly of Community Health Education20210
28041736198203102008012013SIWI PRAMATAMA MARS WIJAYANTI5976278277FAKULTAS ILMU-ILMU KESEHATANKnowledge, attitudes, practices and information needs during the covid-19 pandemic in indonesiaQ3 Journal47Risk Management and Healthcare Policy202125
28051736198203102008012013SIWI PRAMATAMA MARS WIJAYANTI5976278277FAKULTAS ILMU-ILMU KESEHATANRisk factors for acute otitis media in primary school children: A case-control study in Central Java, IndonesiaQ3 Journal19Journal of Public Health Research20212
28061736198203102008012013SIWI PRAMATAMA MARS WIJAYANTI5976278277FAKULTAS ILMU-ILMU KESEHATANKnowledge, attitude, and practice towards covid-19 among university students in indonesia: A cross-sectional studyQ4 Journal310International Journal of Public Health Science20212
28071736198203102008012013SIWI PRAMATAMA MARS WIJAYANTI5976278277FAKULTAS ILMU-ILMU KESEHATANRisk factors analysis of malaria transmission at cross-bounda-ries area in Menoreh Hills, Java, IndonesiaQ3 Journal33Iranian Journal of Public Health20210
28081736198203102008012013SIWI PRAMATAMA MARS WIJAYANTI5976278277FAKULTAS ILMU-ILMU KESEHATANStaphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Tubotympanic Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media Patients in Purwokerto, IndonesiaQ4 Journal58Indonesian Biomedical Journal20201
28091736198203102008012013SIWI PRAMATAMA MARS WIJAYANTI5976278277FAKULTAS ILMU-ILMU KESEHATANLack of knowledge and false perception on space spraying against dengue in endemic areaQ4 Journal13International Journal of Public Health Science20201
28101736198203102008012013SIWI PRAMATAMA MARS WIJAYANTI5976278277FAKULTAS ILMU-ILMU KESEHATANEfficacy of ns1 antigen detection for early dengue infection diagnosis in IndonesiaQ4 Journal25Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health20200
28111736198203102008012013SIWI PRAMATAMA MARS WIJAYANTI5976278277FAKULTAS ILMU-ILMU KESEHATANThe effect of climate and intervention methods on malaria incidence: A time series analysisQ4 Journal24Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health20191
28121736198203102008012013SIWI PRAMATAMA MARS WIJAYANTI5976278277FAKULTAS ILMU-ILMU KESEHATANCommunity perception to risk of dengue infection and treatment seeking behaviourQ4 Journal22Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health20192
28131736198203102008012013SIWI PRAMATAMA MARS WIJAYANTI5976278277FAKULTAS ILMU-ILMU KESEHATANUncovering Potential of Neem and Pyrethrum Extract as Biolarvacide of Aedes aegypti for Dengue ControlQ4 Journal33IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20191
28141736198203102008012013SIWI PRAMATAMA MARS WIJAYANTI5976278277FAKULTAS ILMU-ILMU KESEHATANFalse sense security effect of outdoor spatial spraying against dengue: A household survey in endemic area, IndonesiaQ4 Journal13Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health20190
28151736198203102008012013SIWI PRAMATAMA MARS WIJAYANTI5976278277FAKULTAS ILMU-ILMU KESEHATANMosquito Indices in Outdoor Spatial Spraying Treated Area, Banyumas Regency, IndonesiaQ4 Journal13IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science20191
28161736198203102008012013SIWI PRAMATAMA MARS WIJAYANTI5976278277FAKULTAS ILMU-ILMU KESEHATANLeptospirosis outbreak during rice harvesting season in Kebumen, Central Java Indonesia (The first case report in kebumen)no-Q Journal33Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development20191
28171736198203102008012013SIWI PRAMATAMA MARS WIJAYANTI5976278277FAKULTAS ILMU-ILMU KESEHATANDengue virus transmission during outbreak within endemic area in Indonesia : A spatial and temporal analysisQ4 Journal16Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health20191
28181736198203102008012013SIWI PRAMATAMA MARS WIJAYANTI5976278277FAKULTAS ILMU-ILMU KESEHATANEffectiveness of household insecticides to reduce aedes aegypti mosquitoes infestation: A community survey in yogyakarta, IndonesiaQ4 Journal44Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development20181
28191736198203102008012013SIWI PRAMATAMA MARS WIJAYANTI5976278277FAKULTAS ILMU-ILMU KESEHATANThe Importance of Socio-Economic Versus Environmental Risk Factors for Reported Dengue Cases in Java, IndonesiaQ1 Journal18PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases201638
28201736198203102008012013SIWI PRAMATAMA MARS WIJAYANTI5976278277FAKULTAS ILMU-ILMU KESEHATANDengue in Java, Indonesia: Relevance of Mosquito Indices as Risk PredictorsQ1 Journal19PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases201632