Abstract | Polymetallic deposit is one of mining commodity of lead, zinc, copper, gold, and silver. Lead and zinc are used to construction and automotive industries, so it require sustainable supply. Bukit Pondok, Tanah Tidung, East Kalimantan was mined by VOC in 1902. Previous study indicated that Bukit Tidung area has Polymetallic deposit prospects which controlled by vein system (E-W trend). Although surface study has been done by previous study involved geology, alteration, geochemical anomaly and surface vein distributions, but subsurface condition still less known. For efficiency in mining processes, it have to do know about distributions of subsurface veins which contain of lead, zinc, copper, and other metallic minerals. The useful methods which proper to know subsurface condition of ore exploration are resistivity and induced polarized (IP). IP measurement has been used with dipole-dipole configuration to get resistivity and chargeability data in subsurface. The total of line was 12 lines with N-S trending crossing surface vein which have geochemical anomaly. Both of the electrode space and measurement point distance were 20 m. The results show that vein continuity can be seen in 50 m depth, but commonly just 20 m depth, and we interpreted vein zonation which not seen on the surface. Based on geology and geophysics we quantified that vein volume is 504,500 m3. |