Photovoice interactive media improves the personal hygiene of teenage students at pesantren school in Tangerang

Publons ID37934922
Wos IDWOS:000489095200123
TitlePhotovoice interactive media improves the personal hygiene of teenage students at pesantren school in Tangerang
First AuthorSamsuni, Samsuni; Mulyono, Sigit; Wiarsih, Wiwin; Kusumawardani, Lita Heni;
Last Author
AuthorsSamsuni, S; Mulyono, S; Wiarsih, W; Kusumawardani, LH;
Publish DateSEP 2019
Abstracta:4:{i:0;s:565:"Objective: Teenagers' personal hygiene behaviors at pesantren schools, which are Muslim schools in Indonesia operated by religious leaders, found to be tow, putting them at risk for hygiene-related diseases, such as skin diseases. Teenagers are excited to learn new things, especially operational and technical things, about health education methods that reflect experience and are interactive and tangible as welt. This research aimed to determine the effect of education using the photovoice method on the personal hygiene behavior of teenagers (10-19 years old).";i:1;s:116:"Method: The study used quasi-experiments with a treatment group of 38 teenagers and a control group of 40 teenagers.";i:2;s:290:"Results: Using t-tests, the results showed an increase in the mean value of the behavior in the treatment group that was higher than in the control group, with each p-value <0.05. Education using photovoice interactive media significantly increased the teenagers' personal hygiene behavior.";i:3;s:170:"Conclusion: The photovoice technique is recommended for educating teenagers who have problems with personal hygiene. (C) 2019 Elsevier Espana, S.L.U. All rights reserved.";}
Publish TypeJournal
Publish Year2019
Page Begin681
Page End686
AuthorNers LITA HENI KUSUMAWARDANI, S.Kep, Sp.Kep.Kom, M.Kep