Abstract | The study aimed to: (1) identify supply chain management model of organic lettuce; (2) identify the institutions involved in organic lettuce marketing; (3) identify the marketing functions by each trader; and (4) evaluate the supply chain management performance. This research was conducted in Kedungbanteng District, Banyumas Regency Central Java Indonesia. The study was conducted through survey and census. The study involved 8 farmers, 3 traders, 2 suppliers, and 6 retailers. The result shows that there were two supply chain management models of organic lettuce: (i) producers -> suppliers -> retailers -> consumers and (ii) producers -> retailers -> consumers.Institution involved act as traders, suppliers, and retailers; Suppliers act marketing functions such as harvesting, buying, packing, labelling, pricing, transporting, risk coverage, funding, selling, and marketing information; retailers act marketing functions such as storage and selling.Farmer's share was 42.4-61.42%, price's coefficient of variance in producers' level were 0 and 6% in the consumers; index of technical efficiency in channel 1 and 2 were 0.62; while index of economic efficiency on channel 1 was 1.09 and 0.30 on channel 2. It can be concluded that supply chain management model of organic lettuce in Kedungbanteng, Banyumas Regency was moderate efficient. |