View Gos Unik
Showing 81-100 of 123 items.
View Gos Unik
# | Kodeprogramstudi | Namaprogramstudi | Namajenjang | Judul | Tahun | Nama Jurnal | Authors |
81 | 69101 | Sosiologi | S2 | Pengetahuan dan kekuasaan: Penguatan remitan sosial sebagai strategi pemberdayaan buruh migran perempuan Indonesia | 2010 | Bogor [ID]: Institut Pertanian Bogor, 2010 | TR Wulan |
82 | 69101 | Sosiologi | S2 | Initial Implementation of Productive Migrant Village (PMV) Programs in Banyumas Central Java Indonesia | 2020 | SHS Web of Conferences 86, 01050, 2020 | TR Wulan, T Sugiarto, S Wardhianna, S Wijayanti |
83 | 69101 | Sosiologi | S2 | Implementasi Peraturan Pemerintah Tentang Disiplin Pegawai di Lingkungan Pemerintah Kota Palangka Raya | 2017 | Restorica: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Administrasi Negara dan Ilmu Komunikasi 3 (1 …, 2017 | M Masrukin |
84 | 69101 | Sosiologi | S2 | Kata Kunci: Disiplin, Kinerja Pegawai. | 2017 | DPDILP KOTA, P RAYA | |
85 | 69101 | Sosiologi | S2 | EDITORIAL TEAM | 0000 | R Murziqin, T ZA, S el-Vanthuny, H Qamariah, WY Sung, M Huda, ... | |
86 | 69101 | Sosiologi | S2 | Pemberdayaan koperasi pondok pesantren sebagai pendidikan sosial dan ekonomi santri | 2016 | JPPM (Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat) 3 (2), 109-121, 2016 | AI Sulaiman, M Masrukin, C Chusmeru, S Pangestuti |
87 | 69101 | Sosiologi | S2 | International Lifestyle Migration and Social Marginalization on the Tourism Village | 2016 | Sodality: Jurnal Sosiologi Pedesaan 4 (1), 2016 | LM Kolopaking |
88 | 69101 | Sosiologi | S2 | Conceptualizing Muslimat NU Women in Banyumas: A Civil Society Framework | 2017 | 2nd International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP …, 2017 | S Marwah, OC Pratiwi, S Lestari |
89 | 69101 | Sosiologi | S2 | The Effectiveness of Cholecalciferol Addition at Improving Psychosis Symptoms in Amphetamine-Type Stimulant (ATS) Users | 2020 | Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 19 (2), 44-50 | A Lubis, A Lelo, DK Sari, DS Utami |
90 | 69101 | Sosiologi | S2 | Perlindungan Buruh Migran Indonesia Melalui Pelatihan Paralegal di Banyumas | 2018 | Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat 2 (1), 145-151, 2018 | S Wijayanti, NA Zayzda, TR Wulan, R Hendriana |
91 | 69101 | Sosiologi | S2 | Pemberdayaan Mantan Buruh Migran Perempuan (BMP) di Desa Lipursari, Kecamatan Leksono, Kabupaten Wonosobo | 2017 | Jurnal Sosiologi Reflektif 11 (1), 109-137, 2017 | A Arifiartiningsih |
92 | 69101 | Sosiologi | S2 | Mengenal Aneka Batik | 2012 | PT Balai Pustaka (Persero) | SD Lestari |
93 | 69101 | Sosiologi | S2 | Employment Policy and Its Implications for Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers (IMW): A Comparative Study between Hong Kong and Malaysia | 2014 | 2014 International Conference on Public Management, 225-228, 2014 | TR Wulan |
94 | 69101 | Sosiologi | S2 | On Socio-Economic Predictors of Religious Intolerance: Evidence from a Large-Scale Longitudinal Survey in the Largest Muslim Democracy | 2019 | Religions 11 (1),, 2019 | AA Yusuf, AR Shidiq, H Hariyadi |
95 | 69101 | Sosiologi | S2 | Model pemberdayaan masyarakat pascaerupsi Gunung Merapi di Jawa Tengah dan Yogyakarta | 2013 | KOMUNITAS: International Journal of Indonesian Society and Culture 5 (2), 2013 | T Sugito, B Suswanto, A Sabiq |
96 | 69101 | Sosiologi | S2 | Ayah tangguh, keluarga utuh: Pola asuh ayah pada keluarga buruh migran perempuan di Kabupaten Banyumas | 2018 | Jurnal Ilmu Keluarga & Konsumen 11 (2), 84-95, 2018 | TR Wulan, D Shodiq, S Wijayanti, DWD Lestari, AT Hapsari, ... |
97 | 69101 | Sosiologi | S2 | Finding Islam in Cinema: Islamic Films and the Identity of Indonesian Muslim Youths | 2013 | Al-Jami'ah: Journal of Islamic Studies 51 (2), 443-473, 2013 | Hariyadi |
98 | 69101 | Sosiologi | S2 | The Economic Empowerment Through Entrepreneurship and Cooperatives for the Harmonization in Society | 2019 | Humanities and Social Science Research 2 (3), p15-p15, 2019 | AI Sulaiman, B Suswanto, M Masrukin, R Windiasih |
99 | 69101 | Sosiologi | S2 | Keberadaan tenaga kerja wanita di sektor pariwisata: studi mengenai peluang kerja wanita di luar sektor pertanian di kawasan wisata alam Baturaden, Kabupaten Dati II Banyumas … | 1999 | Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman. | S Lestari |
100 | 69101 | Sosiologi | S2 | Efektifitas Organisasi Dalam Pelaksanaan Tugas Kesatuan Pada Seksi Saran Dan Prasarana Satuan Brigade Mobil Kepolisian Daerah Kalimantan Tengah | 2015 | Restorica: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Administrasi Negara dan Ilmu Komunikasi 1 (2 …, 2015 | M Masrukin, A Purwaningsih |