View Gos Unik
Showing 81-100 of 167 items.
View Gos Unik
# | Kodeprogramstudi | Namaprogramstudi | Namajenjang | Judul | Tahun | Nama Jurnal | Authors |
81 | 67201 | Ilmu Politik | S1 | The development of Bojongsari Water Attractions (Owabong) | 2020 | Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik 33 (2), 192-201, 2020 | S Kusumanegara, M Soebiantoro, T Ahdiati |
82 | 67201 | Ilmu Politik | S1 | RETURNED MIGRANT WORKERS’ORGANIZATION AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: A CASE STUDY OF INDRAMAYU, INDONESIA | 2019 | Social Science Asia 5 (4), 1-17, 2019 | KR Sobandi |
83 | 67201 | Ilmu Politik | S1 | Kompleksitas Politik Grassroots dan Prospek Demokrasi Bottom up di Indonesia (The complexity of Grassroots’ Politics and The Prospect of Bottom up Democracy in... | 2011 | Dinamika Politik dan Pembangunan Pedesaan dalam Demokratisasi (The dynamic … | KR Sobandi |
84 | 67201 | Ilmu Politik | S1 | Designing Family Empowerment Program: Community Education in Times of Covid-19 Pandemic | 2020 | International Educational Research 3 (3), p22-p22, 2020 | A Sabiq, AI Sulaiman, T Sugito |
85 | 67201 | Ilmu Politik | S1 | Politik Uang, Elitisme dan Budaya Politik : Sebuah Tinjauan atas Sisi Gelap Pilkada Langsung | 2007 | Swara Politika, Jurnal Politik dan Pembangunan 1 (1), 2007 | A Sabiq |
86 | 67201 | Ilmu Politik | S1 | An Early Indonesian Policy toward the Acehnese Rebellions: A History | 2012 | Swara Politika: Jurnal Politik dan Pembangunan 12 (3), 2012 | KR Sobandi |
87 | 67201 | Ilmu Politik | S1 | Community Empowerment Model of Coastal Border Based on Ecotourism in West Kalimantan | 2018 | International Joint Seminar on Community, Governance and Sustainable …, 2018 | A Sabiq, T Sugito, AI Sulaiman, M Faozanudin, B Kuncoro |
88 | 67201 | Ilmu Politik | S1 | Menegakkan Kedaulatan Rakyat: Demokrasi dan Dinamika Politik Elektoral di Indonesia | 2016 | Pustaka Ilmu: Yogyakarta, 2016 | A Sabiq |
89 | 67201 | Ilmu Politik | S1 | Kendala Demokrasi di Daerah: Analisis atas Kandasnya Hak Interpelasi di Banyumas | 2011 | Prosiding Seminar Nasional tentang Mewujudkan Demokrasi Yang Mensejahterakan …, 2011 | A Sabiq |
90 | 67201 | Ilmu Politik | S1 | Community empowerment model of coastal border based on ecotourism | 2019 | Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik 32 (4), 363-377, 2019 | T Sugito, AI Sulaiman, A Sabiq, M Faozanudin, B Kuncoro |
91 | 67201 | Ilmu Politik | S1 | The Political Literacy of People with Visual Impairment During 2014 General Election in Banjarnegara | 2017 | International Conference on Social Transformation, Community and Sustainable …, 2017 | A Sabiq, A Jaetulloh, DD Prabekti, Listiyawati |
93 | 67201 | Ilmu Politik | S1 | Mahasiswa Indonesia Alumni Belanda; Siapa Belajar Apa, Dimana dan Darimana (1995-2005) | 2005 | Atdikbud KBRI :Den Haag, 2005 | M Muhadjir, DY Bawono, A Sabiq, DD Iskandar, AF Salim, FX Suhardi, ... |
94 | 67201 | Ilmu Politik | S1 | Daftar Isi | 0000 | MAP Sukma, IK Yadnyana, AANB Aryana, MKS Budhi, NN Yuliarmi, ... | |
95 | 67201 | Ilmu Politik | S1 | Public Opinion on Money Politics in Central Java Electoral District VIII | 2013 | 2nd International Conference on Election and Democracy : Continuity and Change, 2013 | A Sabiq |
96 | 67201 | Ilmu Politik | S1 | Demystifying the Relationship Between Decentralization and Villagers` Welfare | 2014 | International Integration for Regional Public Management (ICPM) 1 (Atlantis …, 2014 | KR Sobandi, S Kusumanegara |
97 | 67201 | Ilmu Politik | S1 | Old Feminist Demand in a New American Society: The Challenge of Same-Sex Marriage to the Public/Private Divide | 2009 | Swara Politika, Jurnal Politik dan Pembangunan 9 (2), 98-114, 2009 | KR Sobandi |
98 | 67201 | Ilmu Politik | S1 | The Empowerment as Community Learning Based on Ecotourism of Coastal Border at West Kalimantan | 2019 | International Educational Research 2 (3), p23-p23, 2019 | T Sugito, AI Sulaiman, A Sabiq, M Faozanudin, B Kuncoro |
99 | 67201 | Ilmu Politik | S1 | Pemikiran Kuntowijoyo Tentang Islam dan Modernisasi Politik di Indonesia | 1919 | Politik dan Pemerintahan dh. Ilmu Pemerintahan, 1919 | B SUGIARTO |
100 | 67201 | Ilmu Politik | S1 | Kebijakan Bailout Barack Obama dalam Mengatasi Resesi Ekonomi di Amerika Serikat, 2009-2010 (Barack Obama Bailout Policy in Solving Economy Ressesion In... | 2011 | Jurnal Studi Diplomasi dan Keamanan 3 (2), 169-186 | Rizkia, KR Sobandi, T Ahdiati |