View Gos Unik
Showing 361-380 of 411 items.
View Gos Unik
# | Kodeprogramstudi | Namaprogramstudi | Namajenjang | Judul | Tahun | Nama Jurnal | Authors |
361 | 62901 | Pendidikan Profesi Akuntan | Profesi | Emerging Opportunities for Halal Tourism in Rural Areas: Insights from Indonesia | 2021 | Fokus Bisnis: Media Pengkajian Manajemen Dan Akuntansi 20 (1), 16-26, 2021 | M Mafudi, S Sugiarto, A Praptapa |
362 | 62901 | Pendidikan Profesi Akuntan | Profesi | Pengaruh Kapabilitas Teknologi Informasi Terhadap Kualitas Informasi Akuntansi Manajemen Dengan Ketidakpastian Teknologi Sebagai Variabel Moderasi | 2014 | Dinamika Akuntansi Keuangan dan Perbankan 3 (2), 2014 | E Herwiyanti |
363 | 62901 | Pendidikan Profesi Akuntan | Profesi | The Effect of Information Technology and Internal Control of Accounting Fraud | 2020 | D Supriati, R Ristiyani, IR Bawono | |
364 | 62901 | Pendidikan Profesi Akuntan | Profesi | Faktor-Faktor dalam Diri Auditor dan Kualitas Audit: Studi Pada Kap †Big Four’ di Indonesia | 2010 | Jurnal Akuntansi dan Auditing Indonesia 14 (2) | IR Bawono, EM Singgih |
365 | 62901 | Pendidikan Profesi Akuntan | Profesi | Analysis of user’s acceptance of the accrual-based financial SIMDA with Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) 3 adapted approach | 2018 | Jurnal Akuntansi dan Governance Andalas 1 (2), 1-20, 2018 | O Rusmana, IR Bawono, RU Indriyani |
366 | 62901 | Pendidikan Profesi Akuntan | Profesi | Analysis of Factors Affecting the Real Sector Growth of Small and Medium-Post Bank Indonesia Level Rate Reduction. | 2013 | Economy Transdisciplinarity Cognition 16 (1), 2013 | BA Pramuka, RM Mustofa, NK Putri |
367 | 62901 | Pendidikan Profesi Akuntan | Profesi | LEARNING SYSTEM OF ACCOUNTING FOR COOPERATIVE AND SMALL, MEDIUM ENTERPRISES SUBJECTS (CASE OF JENDERAL SOEDIRMAN UNIVERSITY, DEPARTMENT OF ACCOUNTING) | 2016 | Journal of Global Business and Social Entrepreneurship 1 (2) | E Herwiyanti, P Ulfah, U Pratiwi, S Azhar |
368 | 62901 | Pendidikan Profesi Akuntan | Profesi | The Effect of Profitability, Company Size, Solvency, and Public Accounting Firm Size to Audit Delay on Mining Companies | 2021 | Valid: Jurnal Ilmiah 18 (1), 19-30, 2021 | EN Nathasya, NK Putri, YE Restianto |
369 | 62901 | Pendidikan Profesi Akuntan | Profesi | The Optimization of Local Tax Revenues for Local Government within the Framework of Regional Autonomy | 2021 | IR Bawono | |
370 | 62901 | Pendidikan Profesi Akuntan | Profesi | Panduan penggunaan dan pengelolaan dana desa | 2019 | Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia, 2019 | IR Bawono |
371 | 62901 | Pendidikan Profesi Akuntan | Profesi | Empowering the role of village owned enterprises (BUMDes) for rural development: case of Indonesia | 2018 | Jurnal Akuntansi, Manajemen dan Ekonomi 20 (1), 5-10 | K Srirejeki |
372 | 62901 | Pendidikan Profesi Akuntan | Profesi | Dampak Pandemi Covid dan Penerapan New Normal pada Kredit Bermasalah dan Profitabilitas Perbankan Di Indonesia | 2022 | Kosmik Hukum 22 (2), 156-167, 2022 | T Septyanto, D Susilowati |
373 | 62901 | Pendidikan Profesi Akuntan | Profesi | The Effect of Budget Participation on Budgetary Slack with Information Asymmetry and Organizational Commitment as a Moderating Variable | 2018 | Journal of Research in Business, Economics and Management 12 (1), 2261-2269 | ID Pusporini, H HARYADI, E HERWIYANTI |
374 | 62901 | Pendidikan Profesi Akuntan | Profesi | Analysis of Management Control, Business Strategy, and Organizational Culture, and Their Impact on Managment Accounting Information System | 2022 | Sustainable Competitive Advantage (SCA) 11 (1), 2022 | A Nurjanah, A Praptapa, S Maghfiroh |
375 | 62901 | Pendidikan Profesi Akuntan | Profesi | PENGARUH PARTISIPASI ANGGARAN, ASIMETRI INFORMASI, TEKANAN ANGGARAN DAN KOMITMEN ORGANISASI TERHADAP SENJANGAN ANGGARAN DI... | 2017 | Jurnal Organisasi Dan Manajemen 13 (2), 142-153 | OT Permana, E Herwiyanti, IW Mustika |
376 | 62901 | Pendidikan Profesi Akuntan | Profesi | Kualitas Audit Suatu Pertanggung Jawaban Profesi Auditor | 2020 | Syntax Literate; Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia 5 (5), 36-45, 2020 | D Murdianingsih, D Susilowati |
377 | 62901 | Pendidikan Profesi Akuntan | Profesi | Factor Affecting Manufacturing Company Value on Indonesia Stock Exchange: an Environmental Disclosure View Point | 2020 | Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica 16 (5), 2020 | NK Putri, ASN Utomo, T Arofah |
378 | 62901 | Pendidikan Profesi Akuntan | Profesi | The Analysis of The Impact of Accounting Information System on The Effectiveness of Internal Control | 2020 | JURNAL AKUNTANSI, EKONOMI dan MANAJEMEN BISNIS 8 (1), 1-13, 2020 | MSR Hadiwijaya, A Praptapa, IR Bawono |
379 | 62901 | Pendidikan Profesi Akuntan | Profesi | Dimensions of corporate behaviours as a proactive stance on the impact of operational externalities activities, as well as the accountability of corporate performance … | 2013 | 2nd International Conference on Management, Economics & Finance (2nd ICMEF … | D Susilowati |