View Gos Unik
Showing 61-80 of 254 items.
View Gos Unik
# | Kodeprogramstudi | Namaprogramstudi | Namajenjang | Judul | Tahun | Nama Jurnal | Authors |
61 | 54141 | Ilmu Kelautan | S2 | Macroalgae Community Structure at Semak Daun Island, Kepulauan Seribu, Indonesia | 2020 | Omni-Akuatika 16 (3), 21-25, 2020 | SA Wulandari, B Marhaeni, MDN Meinita |
62 | 54141 | Ilmu Kelautan | S2 | Investigation of Total Organic Material Content Based on Tidal Pattern of Teluk Penyu Sediment, Cilacap, Indonesia | 0000 | ICMASURE 2020 UNSOED | ZYIRD Florencius Eko Dwi Haryono* |
63 | 54141 | Ilmu Kelautan | S2 | [Technological engineering of pearl oyster hatchery (Pinctada maxima) | 1999 | Laporan Tahunan Balai Budidaya Laut Lampung Tahun Anggaran 1998/1999 | T Winanto, SB Dhoe |
64 | 54141 | Ilmu Kelautan | S2 | Keragaan Sosial Ekologi Dan Ekonomi Masyarakat Nelayan Di Pesisir Cilacap Selatan | 2020 | Research of Empowerment and Development 1 (1), 38-43, 2020 | NA Taruna Mona Rachman, Endang Hilmi |
65 | 54141 | Ilmu Kelautan | S2 | Strategy of sago management sustainability to support food security in Regency of Meranti Islands, Riau Province, Indonesia | 2019 | Advances in Agriculture & Botanics 11 (1), 1-20, 2019 | M Murod, C Kusmana, MH Bintoro, E Hilmi |
66 | 54141 | Ilmu Kelautan | S2 | 2. Analisis Ukuran Spiny Lobster (Panulirus sp) di Perairan Kabupaten Cilacap (Acuan Awal Pengelolaan Perikanan Tangkap) | 2006 | Sains Aquatik | PHT Florensius Eko Dwi Haryono |
67 | 54141 | Ilmu Kelautan | S2 | Antifouling-Bacterial Potentials of Kenikir (Cosmos caudatus) and Bandotan (Ageratum conyzoides) Leaf Extracts in Freshwater Environment | 2021 | Journal of Aquaculture and Fish Health 10 (2), 213-220, 2021 | SR Samudra, R Fitriadi, B Marhaeni |
68 | 54141 | Ilmu Kelautan | S2 | Comparison of agarophytes (Gelidium, Gracilaria, and Gracilariopsis) as potential resources for bioethanol production | 2013 | Journal of applied phycology 25 (6), 1957-1961, 2013 | MDN Meinita, B Marhaeni, T Winanto, GT Jeong, MNA Khan, YK Hong |
69 | 54141 | Ilmu Kelautan | S2 | PELATIHAN PEMANFAATAN MANGROVE SEBAGAI ALTERNATIF PEWARNA ALAM KOPERASI BATIK TULIS KEBON INDAH KECAMATAN BAYAT, KLATEN | 2022 | J-ABDI: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 2 (5), 5133-5138, 2022 | Y Wismantoro, VDW Aryanto, A Amron, NA Purusa, DI Hapsari, ... |
70 | 54141 | Ilmu Kelautan | S2 | Status and Rehabilittion Pattern of Mangrove Ecosystem in the Eastern of Segara Anakan Cilacap | 2020 | Jurnal READ (Research of Empowerment and Development) 1 (1), 19-23, 2020 | E Hilmi, LK Sari, A Mahdiana, SR Samudra |
71 | 54141 | Ilmu Kelautan | S2 | Condition Factor of Wild Spiny Lobster Juvenile Panulirus spp. (Decapoda : Palinuridae) from Cilacap Waters, Central Java, Indonesi | 0000 | 2nd ICMASURE 2020 UNSOED | RTHDW Florencius Eko Dwi Haryono* , Tjahjo Winanto , Amron, Mukti Trenggono |
73 | 54141 | Ilmu Kelautan | S2 | Model Penduga Kandungan Karbon Pada Pohon Kelompok Jenis Rhizopora spp. dan Bruguiera spp. Dalam Tegakan Hutan Mangrove (Studi Kasus di Indragiri Hili... | 2003 | IPB (Bogor Agricultural University) | E Hilmi |
74 | 54141 | Ilmu Kelautan | S2 | Foraminifera spatial analysis as bioindicator in Java Sea to Flores Sea | 2018 | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 176 (1), 012006 | B Valentina, R Zuraida, B Marhaeni |
75 | 54141 | Ilmu Kelautan | S2 | Master Thesis : Aspek kelembagaan dan Pengelolaan perikanan demersal di Selat Makassar | 2003 | Program Pecencanaan dan Pengembangan Wilayah. Program Pasca Sarjana … | FE dwi haryono |
76 | 54141 | Ilmu Kelautan | S2 | Pemilihan lokasi budidaya tiram mutiara. | 1991 | Buletin Budidaya Laut | T Winanto, SB Dhoe, S Pontjoprawiro |
77 | 54141 | Ilmu Kelautan | S2 | Struktur Komunitas Karang Berdasarkan Karakteristik Perairan di Taman Wisata Perairan (TWP) Kepulauan Anambas | 2016 | Omni-Akuatika 12 (1), 2016 | ATT Puspitasari, A Amron, S Alisyahbana |
78 | 54141 | Ilmu Kelautan | S2 | Catalytic efficiency of sulfuric and hydrochloric acids for the hydrolysis of Gelidium latifolium (Gelidiales, Rhodophyta) in bioethanol production | 2015 | Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 27, 108-114, 2015 | MDN Meinita, B Marhaeni, T Winanto, D Setyaningsih, YK Hong |
79 | 54141 | Ilmu Kelautan | S2 | Pengaruh Enso (El Nino Southern Oscillation) Terhadap Suhu Dan Salinitas di Perairan Utara Aceh: The Effect of Enso (El Nino Southern Oscillation) on Temperature and Salinity … | 2022 | Jurnal Hidropilar 8 (2), 2022 | WA Pasha, A Amron, WS Pranowo |
80 | 54141 | Ilmu Kelautan | S2 | The mangrove landscape and zonation following soil properties and water inundation distribution in Segara Anakan Cilacap | 2021 | Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika 27 (3), 152-152, 2021 | E Hilmi, LK Sari, TN Cahyo, AS Siregar |