View Gos Unik
Showing 221-240 of 254 items.
View Gos Unik
# | Kodeprogramstudi | Namaprogramstudi | Namajenjang | Judul | Tahun | Nama Jurnal | Authors |
221 | 54141 | Ilmu Kelautan | S2 | Bioethanol production from the acid hydrolysate of the carrageenophyte <i>Kappaphycus alvarezii</i> (cottonii) | 2012 | Journal of Applied Phycology 24 (4), 857-862 | MDN Meinita, JY Kang, GT Jeong, HM Koo, SM Park, YK Hong |
222 | 54141 | Ilmu Kelautan | S2 | UTILIZATION OF Gracilaria verrucosa WASTE FOR BIOETHANOL PRODUCTION | 2015 | 한국수산과학회 양식분과 학술대회, 437-437, 2015 | MDN Meinita, B Marhaeni, GT Jeong, YK Hong |
223 | 54141 | Ilmu Kelautan | S2 | Bioethanol production from the hydrolysate of Palmaria palmata using sulfuric acid and fermentation with brewer’s yeast | 2014 | Journal of applied phycology 26 (1), 687-693, 2014 | S Mutripah, MDN Meinita, JY Kang, GT Jeong, AB Susanto, RE Prabowo, ... |
224 | 54141 | Ilmu Kelautan | S2 | Bioekologi Kepiting Bakau (Scylla serrata dan Scylla oceanica) Di Kawasan Desa Ambulu, Kecamatan Losari, Kabupaten Cirebon | 2017 | Journal of Marine and Coastal Science 6 (2), 56-68, 2017 | O Prasadi, I Sulistyo, T Winanto, NN Dewi |
225 | 54141 | Ilmu Kelautan | S2 | Pola sebaran kualitas air di laguna segara anakan kabupaten cilacap water quality distribution pattern at segara anakan lagoon, cilacap regency | 2005 | Laguna 501, 2005 | AS Siregar, E Hilmi, P Sukardi |
226 | 54141 | Ilmu Kelautan | S2 | Tannins in mangrove plants in segara anakan lagoon, central java, indonesia | 2021 | Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 22 (8), 2021 | E Hilmi, LK Sari, AS Siregar, I Sulistyo, A Mahdiana, T Junaedi, M Muslih, ... |
227 | 54141 | Ilmu Kelautan | S2 | Kelangsungan hidup dan pertumbuhan Nila saline [Oreochromis niloticus] introduksi di tambak percontohan Tritih Kulon Cilacap | 2017 | Seminar Nasional LPPM Unsoed- Pengembangan sumberdaya pedesaan dan kearifan … | LKS F. Eko Dwi Haryono, Isdy Sulstyo, Tjahyo Winanto, Purnama Sukardi, Amron ... |
228 | 54141 | Ilmu Kelautan | S2 | Interaction of oceanography patterns towards the abundance of phytoplankton, zooplankton and ichthyoplankton in teluk penyu waters of Cilacap | 2018 | E3S Web of Conferences 47, 05002, 2018 | FED Haryono, R Dewi, TB Pramono, RA Sumantri, TN Cahyo, ... |
229 | 54141 | Ilmu Kelautan | S2 | Mapping of Mangrove Ecosystem In Segara Anakan Lagoon using Normalized Different Vegetation Index and Dominant Vegetation Index | 2022 | Omni-Akuatika 18 (2), 165-178, 2022 | E Hilmi, LK Sari, A Mahdiana, T Junaidi, M Muslih, SR Samudra, ... |
230 | 54141 | Ilmu Kelautan | S2 | Biometrics of male and female top shell Trochus niloticus Linne | 2001 | Phuket Marine Biological Centre | P Yulianus, T Winanto, E Soekendarsi |
231 | 54141 | Ilmu Kelautan | S2 | Hatchery production of spat of pearl oyster Pinctada maxima (Jameson) in Indonesia | 2001 | Phuket Marine Biological Center Special Publication 25 (1), 189-192 | T Winanto, E Soekendarsi, Y Paonganan |
232 | 54141 | Ilmu Kelautan | S2 | Noise Characteristics of Sea Waves Based on Its Height, Period and Breaking Waves | 2020 | Journal Online of Physics 5 (2), 28-34, 2020 | A Amron, FC Alam, M Mukti Trenggono, RR Hidayat, MD Meinita |
233 | 54141 | Ilmu Kelautan | S2 | Characteristic and The distributtion of Spasio–Temporal Macronutrient in the Lagoon area of Segara Anakan | 2017 | International Journal of Marine and Aquatic Resource Conservation and Co …, 2017 | R Dewi, M Zainuri, S Anggoro, T Winanto, H Endrawati |
234 | 54141 | Ilmu Kelautan | S2 | Seaweed Exhibits Therapeutic Properties against Chronic Diseases: An Overview | 2022 | Applied Sciences 12 (5), 2638, 2022 | MDN Meinita, D Harwanto, JS Choi |
235 | 54141 | Ilmu Kelautan | S2 | Neurotrophic activity of the Carrageenophyte Kappaphycus alvarezii cultivated at different depths and for different growth periods in various areas of indonesia | 2018 | Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2018, 2018 | G Tirtawijaya, MDN Meinita, B Marhaeni, M Haque, IS Moon, YK Hong |
236 | 54141 | Ilmu Kelautan | S2 | Upaya Meningkatkan Peran Masyarakat Kampung Laut Cilacap dalam Merestorasi Terumbu Karang (Efforts to Increase the Role of Kampung Laut Cilacap Communities In Restoring Coral … | 2020 | Prosiding 9 (1), 2020 | B Marhaeni, M Trenggono, RR Hidayat, RA Sumantri |
237 | 54141 | Ilmu Kelautan | S2 | Farming Handling with Pro Conservation: Lesson Learned from Farmers at Marginal Land in the District of Karangkobar, Banjarnegara Regency, Central Java | 2021 | International Journal of Social Sciences Perspectives 8 (1), 1-7, 2021 | I Santosa, E Hilmi, H Susanto |
238 | 54141 | Ilmu Kelautan | S2 | Respon Larva Tiram Mutiara Pinctada maxima (Jameson) Terhadap Berbagai Tingkaf Intensitas Cahaya | 2008 | ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences 13 (4), 197-202, 2008 | T Winanto, D Soedharma, R Affandi, HS Sanusi |
239 | 54141 | Ilmu Kelautan | S2 | Memproduksi benih tiram mutiara | 2004 | Penebar Swadaya | T Winanto |
240 | 54141 | Ilmu Kelautan | S2 | Budidaya Teripang, Edisi Revisi | 2006 | Penerbit Penebar Swadaya-Jakarta 75 | J Martoyo, N Aji, T Winanto |