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#KodeprogramstudiNamaprogramstudiNamajenjangJudulTahunNama JurnalAuthors
22154141Ilmu KelautanS2Bioethanol production from the acid hydrolysate of the carrageenophyte <i>Kappaphycus alvarezii</i> (cottonii)2012Journal of Applied Phycology 24 (4), 857-862 MDN Meinita, JY Kang, GT Jeong, HM Koo, SM Park, YK Hong
22254141Ilmu KelautanS2UTILIZATION OF Gracilaria verrucosa WASTE FOR BIOETHANOL PRODUCTION2015한국수산과학회 양식분과 학술대회, 437-437, 2015 MDN Meinita, B Marhaeni, GT Jeong, YK Hong
22354141Ilmu KelautanS2Bioethanol production from the hydrolysate of Palmaria palmata using sulfuric acid and fermentation with brewer’s yeast2014Journal of applied phycology 26 (1), 687-693, 2014 S Mutripah, MDN Meinita, JY Kang, GT Jeong, AB Susanto, RE Prabowo, ...
22454141Ilmu KelautanS2Bioekologi Kepiting Bakau (Scylla serrata dan Scylla oceanica) Di Kawasan Desa Ambulu, Kecamatan Losari, Kabupaten Cirebon2017Journal of Marine and Coastal Science 6 (2), 56-68, 2017 O Prasadi, I Sulistyo, T Winanto, NN Dewi
22554141Ilmu KelautanS2Pola sebaran kualitas air di laguna segara anakan kabupaten cilacap water quality distribution pattern at segara anakan lagoon, cilacap regency2005Laguna 501, 2005 AS Siregar, E Hilmi, P Sukardi
22654141Ilmu KelautanS2Tannins in mangrove plants in segara anakan lagoon, central java, indonesia2021Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 22 (8), 2021 E Hilmi, LK Sari, AS Siregar, I Sulistyo, A Mahdiana, T Junaedi, M Muslih, ...
22754141Ilmu KelautanS2Kelangsungan hidup dan pertumbuhan Nila saline [Oreochromis niloticus] introduksi di tambak percontohan Tritih Kulon Cilacap2017Seminar Nasional LPPM Unsoed- Pengembangan sumberdaya pedesaan dan kearifan … LKS F. Eko Dwi Haryono, Isdy Sulstyo, Tjahyo Winanto, Purnama Sukardi, Amron ...
22854141Ilmu KelautanS2Interaction of oceanography patterns towards the abundance of phytoplankton, zooplankton and ichthyoplankton in teluk penyu waters of Cilacap2018E3S Web of Conferences 47, 05002, 2018 FED Haryono, R Dewi, TB Pramono, RA Sumantri, TN Cahyo, ...
22954141Ilmu KelautanS2Mapping of Mangrove Ecosystem In Segara Anakan Lagoon using Normalized Different Vegetation Index and Dominant Vegetation Index2022Omni-Akuatika 18 (2), 165-178, 2022 E Hilmi, LK Sari, A Mahdiana, T Junaidi, M Muslih, SR Samudra, ...
23054141Ilmu KelautanS2Biometrics of male and female top shell Trochus niloticus Linne2001Phuket Marine Biological Centre P Yulianus, T Winanto, E Soekendarsi
23154141Ilmu KelautanS2Hatchery production of spat of pearl oyster Pinctada maxima (Jameson) in Indonesia2001Phuket Marine Biological Center Special Publication 25 (1), 189-192 T Winanto, E Soekendarsi, Y Paonganan
23254141Ilmu KelautanS2Noise Characteristics of Sea Waves Based on Its Height, Period and Breaking Waves2020Journal Online of Physics 5 (2), 28-34, 2020 A Amron, FC Alam, M Mukti Trenggono, RR Hidayat, MD Meinita
23354141Ilmu KelautanS2Characteristic and The distributtion of Spasio–Temporal Macronutrient in the Lagoon area of Segara Anakan2017International Journal of Marine and Aquatic Resource Conservation and Co …, 2017 R Dewi, M Zainuri, S Anggoro, T Winanto, H Endrawati
23454141Ilmu KelautanS2Seaweed Exhibits Therapeutic Properties against Chronic Diseases: An Overview2022Applied Sciences 12 (5), 2638, 2022 MDN Meinita, D Harwanto, JS Choi
23554141Ilmu KelautanS2Neurotrophic activity of the Carrageenophyte Kappaphycus alvarezii cultivated at different depths and for different growth periods in various areas of indonesia2018Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2018, 2018 G Tirtawijaya, MDN Meinita, B Marhaeni, M Haque, IS Moon, YK Hong
23654141Ilmu KelautanS2Upaya Meningkatkan Peran Masyarakat Kampung Laut Cilacap dalam Merestorasi Terumbu Karang (Efforts to Increase the Role of Kampung Laut Cilacap Communities In Restoring Coral …2020Prosiding 9 (1), 2020 B Marhaeni, M Trenggono, RR Hidayat, RA Sumantri
23754141Ilmu KelautanS2Farming Handling with Pro Conservation: Lesson Learned from Farmers at Marginal Land in the District of Karangkobar, Banjarnegara Regency, Central Java2021International Journal of Social Sciences Perspectives 8 (1), 1-7, 2021 I Santosa, E Hilmi, H Susanto
23854141Ilmu KelautanS2Respon Larva Tiram Mutiara Pinctada maxima (Jameson) Terhadap Berbagai Tingkaf Intensitas Cahaya2008ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences 13 (4), 197-202, 2008 T Winanto, D Soedharma, R Affandi, HS Sanusi
23954141Ilmu KelautanS2Memproduksi benih tiram mutiara2004Penebar Swadaya T Winanto
24054141Ilmu KelautanS2Budidaya Teripang, Edisi Revisi2006Penerbit Penebar Swadaya-Jakarta 75 J Martoyo, N Aji, T Winanto