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#KodeprogramstudiNamaprogramstudiNamajenjangJudulTahunNama JurnalAuthors
90146201BiologiS1PENGARUH PERENDAMAN ETIL METAN SULFONAT (EMS) TERHADAP DAYA TAHAN TANAMAN KECIPIR Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC POLONG PENDEK DARI SERANGAN PATOGEN Rhizoctonia solani2014Scripta Biologica 1 (3), 203-207 HK Khasanti, A Amurwanto, U Dwiputranto
90246201BiologiS1Zonation pattern of mangrove vegetation in Segara Anakan, Cilacap (Indonesia)2004Biosfera (Indonesia), 2004 E Yani, A Widyastuti, W Lestari
90346201BiologiS1Profil RAPD tanaman kantung semar beberapa koleksi Kebun Raya Baturraden2017Majalah Ilmiah Biologi BIOSFERA: A Scientific Journal 34 (2), 89-97, 2017 R Mayangsari, AH Susanto, A Yuniaty
90446201BiologiS1Morphometric and intensity variations of Trichodina sp. protozoa on gourami fish fry belongs to the fish-farmers of Bantul, Yogyakarta2017Prosiding Seminar Nasional Masyarakat Biodiversitas Indonesia 3 (2), 220-223, 2017 R ROKHMANI, EDY RIWIDIHARSO, EA SETYAWATI, D DARSONO, ...
90546201BiologiS1GENETIC DIVERSITY IN JACKFRUIT (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) BASED ON MOLECULAR CHARACTERS IN INDONESIA.2019SABRAO Journal of Breeding & Genetics 51 (1) D PALUPI, SSB RAHAYU, BS DARYONO
90646201BiologiS1Collembola Permukaan Tanah pada Lahan Sayuran Cruciferae Didesa Serang, Kabupaten Purbalingga2012Prosiding 3 (1) TB Ambarningrum, EW Minarni, H Pratiknyo
90746201BiologiS1Effect of pre-drying time and citric acid content on Imperata cylindrica particleboards properties2018IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 209 (1), 012034, 2018 FA Syamani, SS Kusumah, L Astari, KW Prasetiyo, ES Wibowo
90846201BiologiS1Antioxidant Activity and Flavonoid Content of Daun Dewa (Gynura pseudochina) on Some Planting Media with the Humic Acid Addition2018The SEA+ Conference on Biodiversity and Biotechnology 2018, 2018 E Proklamasiningsih, I Budisantoso, K Kamsinah, P Widodo
90946201BiologiS1Effectiveness of Pleurotus ostreatus Extract Through Cytotoxic Test and Apoptosis Mechanism of Cervical Carcer Cells2017Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education 9 (1), 148-155 N Ekowati, A Mumpuni, JS Muljowati
91046201BiologiS1Tabel Hidup Spodoptera litura Fabr. dengan Pemberian Pakan Buatan yang Berbeda= A Life Table of Spodoptera litura Fabr. with Different Artificial Diets2013Jurnal Sain Veteriner 31 (2013) S Lestari, TB Ambarningrum, H Pratiknyo
91146201BiologiS1Praktikum Struktur Tumbuhan2013Universitas Terbuka 1 (581), 1-35 S Samiyarsih
91246201BiologiS1The Antibacterial Activity of Acanthus ilicifolius L.n-Hexane Fraction2021Journal of Science and Technology Research for Pharmacy 1 (2), 48-56, 2021 W Triyadi Hendra Wijaya, Nuraeni Ekowati
91346201BiologiS1The Effects of nitrogen fertilizer dosages on anatomical characters of Ipomoea batatas L. leaf2009Majalah Ilmiah Biologi BIOSFERA: A Scientific Journal 26 (1), 30-34 J Juwarno, S Sumarsono, S Samiyarsih
91446201BiologiS1Monitoring Status Ddaya dukung perairang Waduk Wadaslint Angbagi Budiddaya Karamba Jaring Apung2009Jurnal manusia dan lingkungan. Fakultas Biologi 16 (3) E Widyastuti, AE Piranti, D Rahayu
91546201BiologiS1The gonad maturity of female Osteochillus vittatus in the presence of ascorbic acid2017Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education 9 (2), 257-264, 2017 N Setyaningrum, S Sugiharto, HA Hidayah
91646201BiologiS1Keanekaragaman Morfologi Rumput Laut Sargassum dari Pantai Permisan Cilacap dan Potensi Sumberdaya Alginatnya untuk Industri2012Prosiding Seminar Nasional “Pengembangan Sumber Daya Pedesaan dan Kearifan …, 2012 DS Widyartini, S Insan, AI
91746201BiologiS1Effect of Metabolites Produced by <i>Trichoderma harzianum</i> Biotypes and <i>Agaricus bisporus</i> on Their Respective Growth Radii in Culture1998Applied and environmental microbiology 64 (12), 5053-5056 A Mumpuni, HSS Sharma, AE Brown
91846201BiologiS1Increase of erucic acid content in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) through the combination with genes for high oleic acid2003Cuvillier Verlag, 2003 ND Sasongko
91946201BiologiS1Status of resistance in house flies, <i>Musca domestica</i>.2015Journal of Entomology 13 (1-2), 1663-1671 MI Tan, S Yusmalinar, TB Ambarningrum, I Ahmad, N Abbas, SS Shad, ...
92046201BiologiS1Selection of soybean (Glycine max) Germplasm against biotrophic fungi disease based on anatomical resistance2020Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology &amp; Biology Education 12 (3), 311-318, 2020 S Samiyarsih, AYP Pratiwi, JS Muljowati, N Fitrianto