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#KodeprogramstudiNamaprogramstudiNamajenjangJudulTahunNama JurnalAuthors
84146201BiologiS1Lysophosphatidylcholine disrupts the acrosome of tammar wallaby (<i>macropus eugenii</i>) spermatozoa1993Molecular reproduction and development 35 (3), 277-284 Y Sistina, M Lin, JC Rodger
84246201BiologiS1Konsep Pengembangan Kawasan Permukiman Nelayan Kecamatan Brondong Melalui Pendekatan Sustainable Coastal Development2017Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember F Rachmawati
84346201BiologiS1Leaf Morphological Variation of Acanthus in Some Estuarine Areas of Cilacap2020IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 550 (1), 012007 W Herawati, P Widodo, D Palupi
84446201BiologiS1HAY AT I2022Journal of Biosciences 29 (1), 2022 I Rusmana, YP Hastuti, RK Alfisah, A Akhdiya
84546201BiologiS1Sosialisasi dan Pendataan Golongan Darah Warga Dusun Batur sebagai Upaya Inisasi Desa Siaga Donor Darah2020UNS (Sebelas Maret University), 2020 SBC Kusumaningrum
84646201BiologiS1The Anuran Diversity in Thematic Area of Baturraden Botanical Garden, Banyumas2018The SEA+ Conference on Biodiversity and Biotechnology 2018 IGAAR Puspitasari, AV Avani, A Nuryanto, ES Palupi, M Pratiwi
84746201BiologiS1Pengaruh Perbedaan Metode Ekstraksi Metabolit Sekunder Streptomyces sp. GMR22 terhadap Toksisitas pada Sel BHK-212019Pharmacon: Jurnal Farmasi Indonesia 16 (1), 1-10, 2019 D Mentari, M Naima, R Wulansari, J Widada, TR Nuringtyas, T Wibawa, ...
84846201BiologiS1Utilization of Eichhornia crassipes, Hydrilla verticillata and Lemna sp. as grass carp feeds cultured on floating net cage in Mrican reservoir, Banjarnegara, Central Java (Indonesia)2002Biosfera (Indonesia) D Rahayu, S Sukmaningrum, AS Piranti
84946201BiologiS1Respon Pemberian Hormon 2, 4-D dan BAP terhadap Pertumbuhan Subkultur Kalus Kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) secara In Vitro2015Majalah Ilmiah Biologi BIOSFERA: A Scientific Journal 32 (1), 59-65 K Ayuningrum, I Budisantoso, K Kamsinah
85046201BiologiS1Pemetaan untuk Strategi Dakwah di Kota Semarang Menggunakan Pendekatan Data Mining (Mapping for Da'wah Strategy in Semarang City Using Data Mining Approach)2021Jurnal Dakwah Risalah 32 (1), 40-55, 2021 A Karim, A Adeni, F Fitri, AN Fitri, M Hilmi, SR Fabriar, F Rachmawati
85146201BiologiS1Kekayaan Spesies Ektoparasit Pada Ikan Brek (Puntius orphoides) Hasil Tangkapan Di Sungai Banjaran Purwokerto Banyumas2019Prosiding SNPBS (Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Biologi dan Saintek) Ke-4, 2019 R Rokhmani, E Riwidiharso, P Utami
85246201BiologiS1Alih Teknologi Olahan Oyek di Desa Lumbir Kecamatan Lumbir Kabupaten Banyumas2022Warta LPM, 152-163, 2022 AM Ritonga, AAS Akbar, MR Chamadi
85346201BiologiS1The Diversity and Abundance of Termites (Order: Isoptera) at Altitude 200 M ASL Karst Area Southern Gombong, Kebumen Regency2020BioEksakta: Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Unsoed 2 (1), 152-156 H Pratiknyo, S Sukarsa
85446201BiologiS1River Wild Fish Domestication as Conservation Efforts of Aquatic Biota: A Bio-Reproduction Approach, Challenges &amp; Expectations (Domestikasi Ikan Liar Sungai Sebagai Upaya …2017 P Susatyo
85546201BiologiS1Cr (VI) and Dye Biosorption in Batik Wastewater using Biosorbent in The Tea Bag2018E3S Web of Conferences 73, 05011 L Sri, DT Shilahuddin, JS Sri
85646201BiologiS1Hubungan intensitas penyakit karat dengan produktivitas tanaman kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) pada beberapa varietas berbeda2014Scripta Biologica 1 (2), 173-177 M Maman, JS Muljowati, R Rochmatino
85746201BiologiS1Distribution of Salacca zalacca ‘Kelapa’2019Majalah Ilmiah Biologi BIOSFERA: A Scientific Journal 36 (1), 10-14 P Widodo, W Herawati, S Sukarsa
85846201BiologiS1Uji Mikrobiologis dan Organoleptik Jus Tomat Hasil Fermentasi Lactobacillus plantarum dan Lactobacillus delbruekii sebagai Functional Food dengan Konsentrasi Starter Berbeda2012Majalah Ilmiah Biologi BIOSFERA: A Scientific Journal 29 (2), 87-92 D Soertina, DF Kusharyati, PM Hendrati
85946201BiologiS1Identification and screening of enzymatic abilities of Ktedonobacteria from forest soil of Cisolok Geothermal Area, Indonesia2022Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 23 (9), 2022 MK RACHMANIA, F NINGSIH, DCAYUF SARI, Y SAKAI, S YABE, ...
86046201BiologiS1Effect of Metabolites Produced by Trichoderma harzianum Biotypes and Agaricus bisporus on Their Respective Growth Radii in Culture1998Applied and environmental microbiology 64 (12), 5053-5056, 1998 A Mumpuni, HSS Sharma, AE Brown