View Gos Unik
Showing 101-120 of 157 items.
View Gos Unik
# | Kodeprogramstudi | Namaprogramstudi | Namajenjang | Judul | Tahun | Nama Jurnal | Authors |
101 | 12201 | Kedokteran Gigi | S1 | Effect of numerical requirement system on dental students’ learning strategies | 2015 | Journal of Dentistry Indonesia 22 (2), 2, 2015 | FT Handayani, M Claramita, GR Rahayu |
102 | 12201 | Kedokteran Gigi | S1 | THE CHEMICAL PROPERTIES COMPARATIVE OF YEAST HYDROLYSATE ENZYMATIC (YHE) FROM YEAST THAT FERMENTED IN RICE FLOUR VARIATION | 2019 | Rasāyan Journal of Chemistry 12 (4), 1839-1849, 2019 | R Agustini, IGM Sanjaya, A Widodo |
103 | 12201 | Kedokteran Gigi | S1 | Efek Gel Ekstrak Kulit Buah Manggis (Garcinia mangostana) pada Perlekatan Komposit pasca In-Office Bleaching | 2015 | Majalah Kedokteran Gigi Indonesia 1 (1), 32-37, 2015 | F Amiria, H Harwoko, AHB Widodo |
104 | 12201 | Kedokteran Gigi | S1 | Calculating contrast stretching variables in order to improve dental radiology image quality | 2016 | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 105 (1), 012002, 2016 | HB Widodo, A Soelaiman, Y Ramadhani, R Supriyanti |
105 | 12201 | Kedokteran Gigi | S1 | Perbandingan dimensi vertikal oklusal sebelum dan setelah insersi gigi tiruan lengkap dengan metode Niswonger dan radiografi sefalometri Comparison of occlusal vertical … | 2019 | Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran 31 (1), 47-53 | AF Zahra, A Soesetijo, FK Djati |
106 | 12201 | Kedokteran Gigi | S1 | Pemeriksaan komposisi glass fiber komersial dengan teknik x-ray fluorescence spectrometer (XRF) | 2014 | B-Dent: Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Baiturrahmah 1 (2), 155-160, 2014 | WP Sari, D Sumantri, DNA Imam, S Sunarintyas |
107 | 12201 | Kedokteran Gigi | S1 | BIPOLAR ANTI FUZZY IDEALS OF K-ALGEBRAS | 0000 | R Anggraeni, A Widodo, N Hidayat | |
109 | 12201 | Kedokteran Gigi | S1 | The different effects of preheating and heat treatment on the surface microhardness of nanohybrid resin composite | 2020 | Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi) 53 (1), 6-9 | BE Septyarini, I Dwiandhono, DNA Imam |
110 | 12201 | Kedokteran Gigi | S1 | The Management of Transalevolar Surgery Teeth with Pulpal Polyps Condition | 2020 | Denta Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi 14 (2), 102-109 | BV Violeta, BT Hartomo |
111 | 12201 | Kedokteran Gigi | S1 | Revitalization of school dental health centre for elementary school in Karangtengah Village, Baturraden, Banyumas | 2022 | Community Empowerment 7 (2), 190-195, 2022 | A Ramadhani, DNI Sari, A Laksitasari, A Taqwim, M Triani, D Rachmawati |
112 | 12201 | Kedokteran Gigi | S1 | Kajian Water Borne Disease oleh Bakteri Secara Spasial Di Kecamatan Kampung Laut Kabupaten Cilacap | 2013 | Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sumber Daya Alam dan Lingkungan 2013 1, 91-95, 2013 | ASP R Nurohmah, AHB Widodo |
113 | 12201 | Kedokteran Gigi | S1 | Non-monoton nonparametric variogram to model the land price of Manado city with hole effect periodicity structure | 2019 | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 546 (5), 052083, 2019 | W Weku, H Pramoedyo, A Widodo, R Fitriani |
114 | 12201 | Kedokteran Gigi | S1 | Kajian Kasus: Periodontitis Kronis pada Pasien dengan Riwayat Diabetes Melitus | 2018 | STOMATOGNATIC-Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi 15 (2), 30-33 | AA Kurniawan, AS Pramaeswari, A Laksitasari |
115 | 12201 | Kedokteran Gigi | S1 | Pengaruh Minyak Atsiri Kulit Jeruk Bali (Citrus pomegranate) Terhadap Streptococcus alfa dan Kekuatan Transfersa Basis Resin Akrilat Gigi Tiruan | 2012 | Prosiding Seminar Nasional AKSI KG Unsoed I 1, 1-14, 2012 | HBW Rinawati Satrio, Rosani Wiogo |
116 | 12201 | Kedokteran Gigi | S1 | Expression of MicroRNA-155 and Suppressor of Cytokines Signaling 1 (SOCS1) mRNA in Plasma Breast Cancer Patients | 2021 | DNI Sari, D Rahmina, S Lukman, A Wahyono, I Astuti, S Mubarika, ... | |
117 | 12201 | Kedokteran Gigi | S1 | Applications of Whey Extract and Cpp-Acp in Email Surface Towards Enamel Surface Hardness After Extracoronal Bleaching | 2019 | Jurnal Kesehatan Gigi 6 (2), 93-98 | I Dwiandhono, DNA Imam, A Mukaromah |
118 | 12201 | Kedokteran Gigi | S1 | Coronal slice segmentation using a watershed method for early identification of people with Alzheimer's. | 0000 | Telkomnika 19 (1) | R Supriyanti, AK Marchel, Y Ramadhani, HB Widodo |
119 | 12201 | Kedokteran Gigi | S1 | Porcelain fused to metal in vital crown with extensive caries at dentin depth: A case report | 2021 | Makassar Dental Journal 10 (1), 24-28 | RR Dewi, BT Hartomo, F Ashar |
120 | 12201 | Kedokteran Gigi | S1 | The Use of Autogenous Tooth Bone Graft Block (ABTB) in Post-extraction Socket of Dental Implant Treatment Procedure: A Literature Review | 2021 | BT Hartomo, AD Mardiunti, DS Putri, I Khoerunisa, PW Seno |