Google Documents : SA, dan Risyad, A., 2020. A Geophysical Survey with Magnetic Method for Interpretation of Iron Ore Deposits in the Eastern Nusawungu Coastal, Cilacap Regency Central Java Indonesia

TitleSA, dan Risyad, A., 2020. A Geophysical Survey with Magnetic Method for Interpretation of Iron Ore Deposits in the Eastern Nusawungu Coastal, Cilacap Regency Central Java Indonesia
AuthorsR Sehah
Journal NameJournal of Geoscience Engineering, Environment, and Technology (JGEET) Vol 5 …, 0
Publish Year(not set)
Url"SA, dan Risyad, A., 2020. A Geophysical Survey with Magnetic Method for Interpretation of Iron Ore Deposits in the Eastern Nusawungu Coastal, Cilacap Regency Central Java Indonesia"
AuthorSEHAH, S.Si, M.Si