Google Documents : The Effect of Play Therapy Puzzle and Finger Painting on Fine Motor Development of Pre-School Children in Baturraden Sub-District Banyumas: A Case Study

TitleThe Effect of Play Therapy Puzzle and Finger Painting on Fine Motor Development of Pre-School Children in Baturraden Sub-District Banyumas: A Case Study
AuthorsKTM Putri, D Ramawati, H Purwandari
Journal NameJournal of Bionursing 5 (3), 296-302, 2023
Publish Year2023
Citation(not set)
Url"The Effect of Play Therapy Puzzle and Finger Painting on Fine Motor Development of Pre-School Children in Baturraden Sub-District Banyumas: A Case Study"
AuthorNers DIAN RAMAWATI, M.Kep., Ph.D