Google Documents : Analysis of the Role of Agile Governance in the Development of the Smart City Concept: A Qualitative Study of the Banyumas Regency Government, Indonesia

TitleAnalysis of the Role of Agile Governance in the Development of the Smart City Concept: A Qualitative Study of the Banyumas Regency Government, Indonesia
AuthorsSR Marfuah, A Rokhman, M Faozanudin
Journal NameOpen Access Indonesia Journal of Social Sciences 7 (4), 1659-1670, 2024
Publish Year2024
Citation(not set)
Url"Analysis of the Role of Agile Governance in the Development of the Smart City Concept: A Qualitative Study of the Banyumas Regency Government, Indonesia"
AuthorDoctor of Philosophy TOBIRIN, S.Sos, M.Si