Google Documents : Maternal Attitudes Regarding Stimulation: Main Predictors of Postnatal Development Factors in Children Aged 12-60 Months During Covid-19 Pandemic

TitleMaternal Attitudes Regarding Stimulation: Main Predictors of Postnatal Development Factors in Children Aged 12-60 Months During Covid-19 Pandemic
AuthorsR Rusana, N Aprilianingsih, A Subandi, H Ekawati, M Hasinuddin, ...
Journal NameIndonesian Journal of Global Health Research 6 (4), 2433-2444, 2024
Publish Year2024
Citation(not set)
Url"Maternal Attitudes Regarding Stimulation: Main Predictors of Postnatal Development Factors in Children Aged 12-60 Months During Covid-19 Pandemic"
AuthorNers DIAN RAMAWATI, M.Kep., Ph.D