Google Documents : Empowerment of Sweet Potato Farmer Groups in Pasrujambe Lumajang Village Through Innovation of Flour Processing Technology by the Fermentation Method

TitleEmpowerment of Sweet Potato Farmer Groups in Pasrujambe Lumajang Village Through Innovation of Flour Processing Technology by the Fermentation Method
AuthorsL Azkiyah, N Diniyah, A Subagio, Y Wibowo, N Aini, I Indarto
Journal NameJ-Dinamika: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 8 (2), 232-238, 2023
Publish Year2023
Url"Empowerment of Sweet Potato Farmer Groups in Pasrujambe Lumajang Village Through Innovation of Flour Processing Technology by the Fermentation Method"
AuthorDoctor of Philosophy NUR AINI, S.TP, M.P.