Google Documents : Combination of Vitamin C and E Improves Spermatogenesis of White Male Rat Model of Paradoxical Sleep Deprivation Stress

TitleCombination of Vitamin C and E Improves Spermatogenesis of White Male Rat Model of Paradoxical Sleep Deprivation Stress
AuthorsF Arjadi, M Mustofa, Y Wibowo, NSA Gumilas, DR Fuadi
Journal NameJurnal Kedokteran Brawijaya, 2022
Publish Year2022
Url"Combination of Vitamin C and E Improves Spermatogenesis of White Male Rat Model of Paradoxical Sleep Deprivation Stress"
Authordr NUR SIGNA AINI GUMILAS, S.Ked, M.Biotek.