Google Documents : Mahkota Dewa Mesocarp Infusion Improved Testicular Damage and Sperm Count In Diabetic Rat

TitleMahkota Dewa Mesocarp Infusion Improved Testicular Damage and Sperm Count In Diabetic Rat
AuthorsE Sulistyoningrum, S Setiawati, H Nindyastuti, AN Putra
Journal NameSains Medika: Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan 4 (2), 115-123, 2013
Publish Year2013
Url"Mahkota Dewa Mesocarp Infusion Improved Testicular Damage and Sperm Count In Diabetic Rat"
Authordr. ARIADNE TIARA HAPSARI, S.Ked, Sp.A, M.Si.Med