Google Documents : Hipertensi Effect of Therapy Classic Music Mozart and Murotal Ar Rahman on Decreasing Systolic Blood Pressure in Women Hypertension

TitleHipertensi Effect of Therapy Classic Music Mozart and Murotal Ar Rahman on Decreasing Systolic Blood Pressure in Women Hypertension
AuthorsIN Wirakhmi, I Purnawan, T Utami
Journal NameJurnal Kebidanan dan Keperawatan Aisyiyah 16 (2), 274-282, 2020
Publish Year2020
Citation(not set)
Url"Hipertensi Effect of Therapy Classic Music Mozart and Murotal Ar Rahman on Decreasing Systolic Blood Pressure in Women Hypertension"
AuthorDr Ners IWAN PURNAWAN, S.Kep, M.Kep