Google Documents : Comparison of the Effect of Ethanol Extracts of Phaleria macrocarpa (scheff. Boerl) Fruit and Metformin on the Kidney Function of Hyperglycaemic Rat Models

TitleComparison of the Effect of Ethanol Extracts of Phaleria macrocarpa (scheff. Boerl) Fruit and Metformin on the Kidney Function of Hyperglycaemic Rat Models
AuthorsE Sutrisna, NSA Gumilas, E Sulistyoningrum
Journal NameHerb-Medicine Journal: Terbitan Berkala Ilmiah Herbal, Kedokteran dan …, 2020
Publish Year2020
Citation(not set)
Url"Comparison of the Effect of Ethanol Extracts of Phaleria macrocarpa (scheff. Boerl) Fruit and Metformin on the Kidney Function of Hyperglycaemic Rat Models"
AuthorDr dr NUR SIGNA AINI GUMILAS, S.Ked, M.Biotek.