Google Documents : Transmission loss estimation of underwater sound based on the noise intensity emmited by MV. Pengayoman IV in Tanjung Intan cruise line, Cilacap

TitleTransmission loss estimation of underwater sound based on the noise intensity emmited by MV. Pengayoman IV in Tanjung Intan cruise line, Cilacap
AuthorsL Triwahyanti, AS Cyndana, YH Sefnianti, RJ Sari, A Amron
Journal NameE3S Web of Conferences 47, 04011, 2018
Publish Year2018
Url"Transmission loss estimation of underwater sound based on the noise intensity emmited by MV. Pengayoman IV in Tanjung Intan cruise line, Cilacap"
AuthorDr. AMRON, S.Pi, M.Si