Abstract | Prevalensi sindrom metabolik (SM) di Indonesia (13,13%) tergolong tinggiÃÂÃÂ dengan kecenderungan terus meningkat. Salah satu akibat SM adalahÃÂÃÂ disfungsi endotel, sebagai awal penyakit kardiovaskuler yang diinduksi olehÃÂÃÂ stres oksidatif dan inflamatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasiprofil lipid, peroksidasi lipid, dan marker inflamasi pada wanita penderita SMÃÂÃÂ di Purwokerto. Sebanyak 30 wanita dengan kadar gula darah diatas normal,ÃÂÃÂ obesitas body mass index (BMI) > 25 kg/m2, dan berusia 40-65 tahunÃÂÃÂ dilibatkan sebagai responden yang dipilih melalui survei di PoliklinikPenyakit Dalam Rumah Sakit Margono Soekarjo. Kadar kolesterol total,ÃÂÃÂ trigliserida, high density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein, malondialdehid,ÃÂÃÂ dan plasma C-reactive protein ditentukan dalam darah responden yangÃÂÃÂ mempunyai kadar gula sewaktu > 200 mg/dL. Ditemukan bahwa wanitadengan SM rata-rata berumur 50,4 tahun; BMI 31,89 kg/m2; kadar gulaÃÂÃÂ darah 219,4 mg/dL; kolesterol total 216,73 mg/dL; trigliserida 218,13 mg/dL;ÃÂÃÂ HDL 46,59 mg/dL; LDL 146,27 mg/dL; MDA 2943,4 pmol/mL; C-RP 7,62ÃÂÃÂ mg/L; dan tekanan darah 153/103 mmHg. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwapenderita SM mengalami dislipidemia disertai dengan status antioksidanÃÂÃÂ rendah dan inflamasi.Kata kunci: Wanita sindrom metabolik, profil lipid, lipid peroksida,ÃÂÃÂ malondialdehid, C-reactive proteinAbstractPrevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS) in Indonesia (13,13%) is high andÃÂÃÂ tends to increase. One of the consequences of MS is endothelial dysfunctionÃÂÃÂ leading to cardiovascular disease which is inducted by oxidative stressand inflammation. The aim of the present research is to explore lipid profile,ÃÂÃÂ lipid peroxidation, and inflammatory marker level on metabolic syndromeÃÂÃÂ women in Purwokerto. Thirty women with blood glucose level greater thanÃÂÃÂ normal, body mass index (BMI) > 25 kg/m2, 40-65 years of age were recruitedÃÂÃÂ as respondent through selection by a survey in Internal MedicineÃÂÃÂ Polyclinic of Margono Soekarjo Hospital in Purwokerto. In respondents withÃÂÃÂ blood glucose level > 200 mg/dL, total blood cholesterol level, high densityÃÂÃÂ lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein, malondialdehid, and plasma C-reactiveÃÂÃÂ protein were determined. It was found that the MS women were 50,4 yearsÃÂÃÂ of age; BMI 31,89 kg/m2; blood glucose 219,4 mg/dL; total cholesterolÃÂÃÂ 216,73 mg/dL; triglyceride 218,13 mg/dL; HDL 46,59 mg/dL; LDL 146,27mg/dL; MDA 2943,4 pmol/mL; C-RP 7,62 mg/L; and blood pressure 153/103ÃÂÃÂ mmHg. It indicates that SM women experience dyslipidemia with low antioxidantÃÂÃÂ and inflammation.Key words: Metabolic syndrome women, lipid profile, peroxide lipid, malondialdehid,ÃÂÃÂ C-reactive protein |