Garuda Documents : Effect of Supplementation of Garlic Husk Extract to The Feed of Dairy Goats on The Fermentation Product and Ruminal Microbe

TitleEffect of Supplementation of Garlic Husk Extract to The Feed of Dairy Goats on The Fermentation Product and Ruminal Microbe
Author Order of
AbstractAbstract. This study was designed to examine the effects of supplementation with husk extract of garlic (Allium sativum) in the feed of dairy goats containing sufficient amount of  organic minerals (Selenium, Chromium and Zinc) on the fermentation and microbes in the rumen. The materials used in this study were the rumen fluid of goat, goat ration composed of 60% grass, 35% tofu, and 5% concentrate (CP 11.90%, CF 28.57%, 60.94% TDN). The research method was experimental using a completely randomized design (CRD). The treatments were tested, namely R0: control diet; R1: R0 + Cr + 1.5 ppm 40 ppm Zn lysinat + 0.3 ppm Se; R2: R1 + 15 ppm  of garlic husk extract (Allium sativum); R3: R1 + 30 ppm garlic husk extracts ; R4: R1 + 45 ppm  of garlic husk extrat; and R5: R1 + 60 ppm  garlic husk extract. The results showed that the treatment effect on a decrease in dry matter (DMD) and  organic matter digestibility (OMD), protozoa and total gas in total, however, there was an increase in total VFA concentrations. The treatment gave a linear response to the DMD, ie Y = 50.412 - 0.1651X  and OMD,  Y = -0.1768X + 50.319. However, in response VFA is cubic, with a line equation Y = 203.16 - 3.2646X + 0.2447X2- 0.0033X3. It culd be concluded that  supplementation of garlic husk extract and organic minerals can improve rumen fermentation with the best level at 25 ppm.Key words:  Garlic husk extract, micro minerals, rumen fermentation, dairy goat Abstrak.  Penelitian ini dirancang untuk mengkaji pengaruh suplementasi ekstrak kulit bawang putih (Allium sativum) dalam pakan kambing perah yang tercukupi mineral organik (Selenium, Chromium dan Seng) terhadap hasil fermentasi dan mikroba  pada rumen. Materi yang digunakan adalah  cairan rumen kambing, ransum kambing yang tersusun atas 60% rumput gajah, 35% ampas tahu dan 5% konsentrat (PK 11,90%, SK 28,57%, TDN 60,94%). Metode penelitian adalah eksperimental menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL).  Perlakuan yang diujicobakan yaitu R0: pakan kontrol; R1: R0 + 1,5 ppm Cr + 40 ppm Zn lysinat + 0,3 ppm Se; R2: R1 + 15 ppm ekstrak kulit bawang putih (Allium sativum); R3: R1 + 30 ppm ekstrak kulit bawang putih ; R4: R1 + 45 ppm ekstrak kulit bawang putih ; dan R5: R1 + 60 ppm ekstrak kulit bawang putih . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan berpengaruh terhadap penurunan kecernaan bahan kering (KBK) dan kecernaan bahan organik (KBO), protozoa dan gas total, namun demikian terjadi peningkatan konsentrasi VFA total. Perlakuan memberikan respon linier  terhadap  Kecernaan Bahan Kering, yaitu Y = 50.412 - 0,1651X  dan  KBO, Y = -0,1768X + 50,319. Namun demikian pada  VFA   responnya adalah kubik, dengan persamaan garis Y = 203,16 – 3,2646X + 0,2447X2 – 0,0033X3.  Dapat disimpulkan bahwa suplementasi ekstrak kulit bawang putih dan mineral organik dapat memperbaiki fermentasi rumen dengan level terbaik 25 ppm. Kata kunci : ekstrak kulit bawang putih, mineral mikro, fermentasi rumen 
Publisher NameUniversitas Jenderal Soedirman, Faculty of Animal Science, Purwokerto-Indonesia
Publish Date2014-01-30
Publish Year2014
Source IssueVol 16, No 1 (2014): January
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