Abstract | ABSTRAK Artikel ini membahas representasi toxic parents dalam film What Will People Say (2017). Fenomena toxic parents masih marak terjadi dan digambarkan melalu media di sekitar kita, salah satunya film. Film berfungsi sebagai media hiburan, informatif, edukatif, persuasif, dan kritik. Kisah yang disajikan dalam film tidak hanya dimaknai sebagai hiburan semata tetapi juga sebagai representasi dan kritik terhadap realitas sosial. Film What Will People Say menceritakan sebuah keluarga diaspora Pakistan yang tinggal di Norwegia. Konflik keluarga terjadi melalui hubungan antara orang tua dengan anak sebagai korban toxic parents. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan analisis semiotika Roland Barthes. Terdapat 8 potongan adegan sebagai bahan kajian penelitian. Adegan yang dipilih dianalisis menggunakan semiotika Roland Barthes melalui 3 unsur yaitu denotasi, konotasi, dan mitos. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa representasi toxic parents dalam film What Will People Say adalah kekerasan baik secara fisik maupun simbolik, tidak mau mendengarkan anak, manipulatif, gemar menyalahkan anak, melabeli anak secara negatif, merendahkan anak, terlalu mengontrol anak, dan sikap over protective. Kata Kunci: Toxic Parents, Representasi Film, Film What Will People Say, Semiotika Roland Barthes ABSTRACT This article discusses the representation of toxic parents in the film What Will People Say (2017). The phenomenon of toxic parents is still rampant and portrayed through the media around us, one of which is film. Film serves as a medium of entertainment, informative, educational, persuasive, and criticism. The story presented in the film is not only interpreted as entertainment but also as a representation and criticism of social reality. What Will People Say tells the story of a Pakistani diaspora family living in Norway. Family conflict occurs through the relationship between parents and children as victims of toxic parents. This research using descriptive qualitative methods with Roland Barthes' semiotic analysis approach. There are 8 pieces of scenes as material for research studies. The selected scene is analyzed using Roland Barthes semiotics through 3 elements: denotation, connotation, and myth. The results showed that the representation of toxic parents in the film What Will People Say are physical and symbolic violence, unwilling to listen to children, manipulative, fond of blaming children, labeling children negatively, degrading children, over-controlling children, and over protective attitudes. Keywords : Toxic Parents, Film Representation, What Will People Say Film, Roland Barthes Semiotics |