Abstract | ABSTRAK Era Industri 4.0 dan Masyarakat 5.0 mempunyai karakteristik yang berbeda dan berdampak pula bagi jenis viktimisiasi khususnya akibat cybercrime. Hal ini berkorelasi dengan karakter pada era tersebut antara lain digitalisasi, rekayasa intelegensia dan internet of thing,ÃÂ Melalui penelitian kepustakaan dapat dijelasakan bahwa dalam perspektif viktimologi korban atas cybercrime. Korban cybercrime mengalami berupa kerugian materi, akibat psikologis akibat fisik danÃÂ akibat sosial. ViktimisasiÃÂ cybercrime dapat dijelaskan dengan The Lifestyle-Routine Activities TheoryÃÂ (L-RAT). Perlindungan hukum korban cybercrime mendasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 19 Tahun 2016 Atas Perubahan Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2008 Tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik dapat dikatakanÃÂ tidak terdapat perlindungan hukum secara signifikan dapat dirasakan oleh para korbannya Seharusnya terdapat sanksi berupa restitusi dan/atau pemberian kompensasi. Hal ini selaras dengan karakter masyarakat 5.0 yang lebih menghormati keberadaan manusia.ÃÂ ABSTRACTThe Industrial Era 4.0 and Society 5.0 have different characteristics and this has an impact on the types of victimization, especially those caused by cybercrime. This correlates with the characteristics of that era, including digitalization, intelligent engineering and the internet of things. Through library research, it can be explained from a victimological perspective that victims of cybercrime suffer losses in the form of material losses, psychological suffering, physical suffering and social suffering. Cybercrime victimization can be explained by the lifestyle-routine activities theory (L-RAT). The legal protection of cybercrime victims is based on Law Number 19 of 2016 on Amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions and it can be said that there is no significant legal protection that can be felt by the victims. There should be sanctions in the form of restitution and/or compensation. This corresponds to the nature of society 5.0 which is more respectful of human existence. |