Abstract | Purwoceng (PimpinellaÃÂÃÂ pruatjanÃÂÃÂ Molk) is an original Indonesian herb which is knownÃÂÃÂ to haveÃÂÃÂ an aphrodisiac effect. The active compounds in Purwoceng potentially have hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic effects.This study was aimed to analyze the effect of subchronic administration of Purwoceng roots ethanol extract to Wistar Strain ofÃÂÃÂ Rattus norvegicusÃÂÃÂ rats.ÃÂÃÂ TheÃÂÃÂ methodÃÂÃÂ of this subchronic toxicity study was an experimentalÃÂÃÂ post test only with control group design. Forty maleÃÂÃÂ Rattus norvegicusÃÂÃÂ were randomly divided into four groups and get 28-days treatment. Group A as control receivedÃÂÃÂ aquadestÃÂÃÂ and 1% CMCÃÂÃÂ (carboxymethyl cellulose), group B, C, and D were given Purwoceng roots ethanol extract of 42, 84, and 168 mg/KgBW/day and 1% CMC.ÃÂÃÂ Parameters tested were the levels of urea, creatinine, SGPTÃÂÃÂ (serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase), SGOT(serum oxaloacetic pyruvic transaminase), kidney and hepar histopatology.The results showedÃÂÃÂ aÃÂÃÂ statisticallyÃÂÃÂ significant for the liver histopathological in group B, creatinine, urea, and kidney histopathologyÃÂÃÂ ÃÂÃÂ in group C.ÃÂÃÂ Our study concluded that subchronic administration of Purwoceng (PimpinellaÃÂÃÂ pruatjanÃÂÃÂ Molk) roots ethanol extract could induce hepatotoxicity at the 42 mg/KgBW/day dose level and nephrotoxicity at the 84 mg/KgBW/day dose level. |