Garuda Documents : PENGARUH PEMBERIAN CAMPURAN PROBIOTIK DAN HERBAL TERHADAP PENAMPILAN, KARKAS, DAN KUALITAS FISIK AYAM BROILER (The effect of probiotic and herbs mix to performance, carcass, and physical quality of broilers)

TitlePENGARUH PEMBERIAN CAMPURAN PROBIOTIK DAN HERBAL TERHADAP PENAMPILAN, KARKAS, DAN KUALITAS FISIK AYAM BROILER (The effect of probiotic and herbs mix to performance, carcass, and physical quality of broilers)
Author Order3 of 5
AbstractThe research aimed to know the effect of probiotic and herbs mixtures to performance, carcasses and physical quality of broiler meat. One hundred DOC broiler of Lohmann Platinum MB 202 strain unsex were randomly and equaly ( 5 birds) distributed to 20 groups (cages). Each cages consists of 5 broilers. The research used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments, namely P0 is the control (without a mixture of probiotics and herbs); P1 is given a mixture of probiotics and herbs as much as 1.0 ml/litre of drinking water; P2 is given a mixture of probiotics and herbs as much as 1.5 ml/litre of drinking water; and P3 is given a mixture of probiotics and herbs as much as 2.0 ml/litre of drinking water. Broilers is kept for 30 days. The measured variables included performance (feed consumption, body weight gain, feed conversion), carcasses (weight and percentage of carcass), and physical quality of meat (water holding capacity and cooking losses). The results showed that of probiotics and herbs mixture in broiler drinking water had not been able to improve the performance and carcasses (P> 0.05), but at 1.5 ml /litre drinking water improved the physical quality of meat due to increased water holding capacity and decreased cooking losses (P <0.01). Conclusion, the addition of a mixture of probiotics and herbs in broiler drinking water caused performance and carcass that were not differrent but showed a good pattern on giving of 1.5 ml /litre of drinking water in feed conversion, carcasses and carcass percentages and improved the physical quality of meat (water holding capacity and cooking losses). ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian campuran probiotik dan herbal terhadap penampilan, karkas dan kualitas fisik daging ayam broiler. Seratus ekor DOC broiler strain Lohmann Platinum MB 202 unsex dibagi secara acak dalam 20 kelompok, masing-masing 5 ekor untuk setiap kandang. Setiap 5 kandang yang masing-masing sebagai ulangan digunakan untuk satu perlakuan. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan, yaitu P0 merupakan kontrol(ayam yang tidak mendapatkan campuran probiotik dan herbal); P1 merupakan ayam yang diberi campuran probiotik dan herbal sebanyak 1,0 ml/liter air minum; P2 merupakan ayam yang diberi campuran probiotik dan herbal sebanyak 1,5 ml/liter air minum; dan P3 merupakan ayam yang diberi campuran probiotik dan herbal sebanyak 2,0 ml/liter air minum. Ayam dipelihara selama 30 hari. Peubah yang diukur meliputi penampilan (konsumsi pakan, pertambahan bobot badan, konversi pakan), karkas (bobot dan persentase karkas), dan kualitas fisik daging (daya ikat air dan susut masak). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian campuran probiotik dan herbal dalam air minum ayam broiler belum mampu memperbaiki penampilan dan karkas (P>0,05), namun pada pemberian 1,5 ml/liter air minum memperbaiki kualitas fisik daging karena meningkatkan daya ikat air dan menurunkan susut masak (P<0,01). Kesimpulan, penambahan campuran probiotik dan herbal dalam air minum ayam broiler menyebabkan penampilan dan karkas yang tidak berbeda, namun menunjukkan pola yang baik pada pemberian 1,5 ml/liter air minum pada konversi pakan, karkas dan persentase karkas serta memperbaiki kualitas fisik daging (daya ikat air dan susut masak).
Publisher NameUniversitas Nusa Cendana
Publish Date2020-05-15
Publish Year2019
DoiDOI: 10.35508/nukleus.v6i2.2253
Source IssueVol 6 No 2 (2019): Desember
Source Page88-95