Abstract | This research in entitled âÂÂThe Social Aspects of the Main Characters in Mahou Hakase Short StoriesâÂÂ. The purpose of this research is to know the social aspects including habitus, capital, domain, and practice of the main character named Genko Sensei in the short story of Mahou Hakase by Iwaya Sazanami. The theory used is the theory of literary sociology popularized by Pierre Bourdieu regarding habitus, capital, domain, and practice. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods as well as data collection by referring to and taking notes. The data used in the form of paragraphs, sentences, and dialogs in the short story. The results of this study found 38 sosial aspects including 7 habitus, 11 capital, 4 domains, and 16 practices owned by Genko Sensei. Habitus that he had was a good relationship, considered to be good and honest, and able to change bad habits into good. This he combined with capital held in the form of money, a college degree, public speaking skills, do not hesitate to act, confident, good cooperation skills and magic abilities. By utilizing the habitus and capital, Genko Sensei able to do a lot of practice (such as lingers though without legs, grow horns to fight the enemy, and others) to master the realm of Germany, the University, and the Palace. In the end, he was able to become famous, get a degree, defeat the enemy, gain power by winning the hearts of the King at the palace, and received a lot of gifts. Above aligned with Pierre Bourdieu's theory about the relationship habitus, capital, and domains, resulting in practice to seize power. |